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Welcome to my wonderful, terrible, soap opera sit-com world.
Thursday, July 31, 2003
BEHIND MY BACK I CAN SEE THEM STARETHEY'LL HURT ME BAD, BUT I WON'T MIND I guess I'll write about the wake now. I think I have a little bit more perspective but I'm still caught a little off guard.
When K and I were younger we kind of ran with the same crowd of people. Long story short but when my boyfriend of four years broke up after cheating on me with another woman, on my 21st birthday, that's when my association with the group started to change. I had a lot of resentment for the boyfriend at the time and couldn't stand to be around him, in fact it just made me sick. The problem was, he was good friends with basically all of my friends, as we had run in completely the same social group for about four years. K and I were not close during this period in our lives, as we had kind of a rift that eventually worked itself out by us coming together to "fight a common foe," which is also another story for another time.
So anyway. K stayed friends with all of the people who were my good friends. I still had peripheral contact with them and saw them socially but it wasn't quite the same after my 21st birthday. By the time I was 25 or 26 I was engaged and married and didn't see any of them any more except K, who was in close social contact with all of them. She also forged some really strong bonding friendships with a few of them who are still of course close to her today.
I don't know why I didn't think any of them would come to the wake, but they did.
I showed up to the service right on time, 6pm on the nose, and Nancy was waiting outside when I got there. She hugged me and I tried not to cry, but I couldn't hold the tears in any more and they started to seep out. I sobbed a little bit and I said, "You're the first person I've hugged this week that actually understands how hard this is for me." She said, "I know, honey, and that's okay," and hugged me tight and close and ... tight. She held on to me like I held on to her. And I said, "I'm not okay." And she understood. And then she looked at me and said, "Well then, let's go inside." So we did.
K wasn't there yet but when we walked in the house there was a three piece jazz trio playing and beer and wine and food and a big house full of people. People who of course I'd never met before. And there were lots of pictures of Mom. I guess people brought pictures of her. I didn't know that was the arrangement, but I don't think I had any pictures of her to share anyway. But so many people I didn't know and so many pictures, I felt like if I had known about it I probably would have looked through my photo albums to see if had any from when K and I were teenagers. So I felt bad for not having pictures. And I felt weird for not knowing anyone. I basically clung to Nancy for about ten minutes and we each got a beer. I was determined not to drink a lot because I really haven't eaten much over the last three days if you average it out, so I had one Bud Light and so did Nancy.
K showed up after we'd been there about ten minutes. And she came in through the door like a pinball, everyone wanted to talk to her and everyone wanted to hug her. She walked right up to me and Nancy, and reached out and Nancy hugged her and gave her a kiss on the cheek and then K got pulled in another direction. I tried not to feel like she was avoiding hugging me or anything. And then I looked behind her and saw her friends who used to be my friends, S, M and L (her boyfriend, who dropped everything to help take care of her in this time of need, and I have amazing and incredible respect for that). S, M and L stopped just outside the hallway as it opened up to the main room and watched K pinballing through the room from person to person... and I felt their eyes boring a hole through my head. I glanced over and tried not to stare, but when I looked I immediately made eye contact with all three of them. They didn't smile or really acknowledge me except to look at me with what I interpreted as puzzled looks. K pinballed around the kitchen hugging person after person and talking to different people about things. Nancy had let me know that K would have some jobs for me to do about Mom's house and the like, since I live walking distance from there, and so I just bided my time as I figured she'd come to me when she was ready to talk to me.
I hovered near the kitchen and waited for K to make eye contact with me, and she didn't. I'm still not sure why it took her a while to, except that she knows how hard it is on me. I could still feel their eyes boring a hole in the back of my head and it was quite uncomfortable. I wanted to walk over to them but I didn't know what I would say - I hadn't really talked to any of them in almost ten years. I saw the three of them at a beer festival around a year ago but we didn't really talk, our interaction was full of the awkward silence that comes from "I used to know you" and "you're not the same person" realizations that hit full force when you're thrown into a social situation with a group you haven't seen in a long time. It doesn't help, either, that the three of them have been in constant contact which makes me an instant outsider. An outsider who's gained about 70 pounds since they really knew me and who has gone through some major life changing events that have indelibly left their mark on me and changed me forever. The death of Mom will be one of those things.
K finally came over to me and hugged me and patted me on the back, one of those "there there I know how you feel" type hugs that you don't really expect to get at a wake. I imagined people would be hugging and hanging on to each other like they didn't want to let go, comforting one another's sadness, but it was like we were all trying very hard to remember Mom for who she was and acknowledge that she wouldn't want any of us to cry. So I got the pat on the back hug and next thing I knew, she was handing me a key to Mom's house with some instructions and talk of who I should talk to that has the other key and what her plans were, even though they are still currently rather vague. I tried to put on my best game face and reassure her that I would be able to handle all of it and she wouldn't have to worry about it, and I did a pretty good job. And still I had eyes boring into the back of my head.
The wake went on and the rest of the evening was pretty much filled with me trying to talk to people I knew and trying not to cry. The band played, and every once in a while K and I would end up in the same room and we’d talk some more. Over the course of the evening I learned that she knows and understands that my relationship with her mom was special even though we didn’t see each other much. And that she cares about how I feel. And that she trusts me enough to help her with some pretty important stuff regarding her mom’s estate and the like.
And still the eyes bored into the back of my head.
When I was leaving there and feeling a little better but still like an outsider at the wake, M stood in front of me in the driveway and hugged me briefly and said “Feel better. Or something.” I guess that was his way of telling me he knew I was sad, but I really didn’t expect him to understand it.
I don’t know if I expect anyone to understand it.
I just felt like an outsider with people I used to know. And felt awkward with the person I consider my best friend. Death makes people act funny. Stress makes people see things differently. Pain makes people act in a way they might not normally. The loss of a loved one indelibly marks your life with a scar that you might carry around with you for the rest of your life. If I had lost my biological mother, people wouldn’t hesitate to understand my feelings and wouldn’t for a moment question my grief. But because I’m grieving strongly for the loss of a friend’s mother, people think it’s odd.
I suppose I have to remind myself that it’s okay if I’m the only one who understands it.
I'm ticked off.
I lost another auction.
You see, I can only really wear one kind of perfume, Eternity for Women by Calvin Klein. So if for some strange reason you've ever wondered what I smell like, that's what I smell like.
So I like to get it on eBay because it's cheaper
I'm almost out and have to get my hands on some, and I keep losing auctions for it. I'm getting rather frustrated.
Just thought I'd share.
Phuck. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
Here's some odd thoughts, so I don't have to write about the memorial service. I'll try to find a way to put that experience into words tomorrow. It won't be too fun.
Okay. Stuff.
I read today on The Yeti that some bloggers get boring when their tirades turn into a where they went and what they did of each individual day. So some things today while I was doing my thing caught my attention, and I thought I'd reference them here.
The guy who sells hot dogs in front of the Bank One building in Phoenix does some strange stuff. When it's 118 degrees at 3pm, he's still out there selling hot dogs and hasn't packed up his crap yet. But today when it's 93 degrees and breezy he's packing up his stuff at 2:00 p.m. What's his schedule about? Do lots of people buy hot dogs when it's 118 degrees at 3:00 p.m.?
And the name of his hot dog cart is NVR DOGS What does that stand for? At first I thought perhaps it meant, "Never Dogs" but that didn't make sense. Then, I came up with "Envy Our Dogs," which could also be a possibility, but why would you envy the dog if you could just pay $2.00 for a red hot at 3:00 in the afternoon when it's 118 degrees? $2.75 for a dog, drink and chips. Add kraut for $0.25.
I got acosted by only one homeless person today on the way to the bank. Now I'm a hefty girl and this woman, she had to be two of me. I mean I bet she topped 300 pounds. And she walked up to me while I waited at the corner. She was wearing bright red pants and a bright yellow shirt with no bra (believe me when I tell you there was no doubt this woman had on no bra) and said, "Ma'am, do you have any change please?" I honestly had nothing on me that I could have given her and said, "No, sorry." There were four other people on the corner. She didn't ask any of them. Why? Why did she choose me, and why did a 300 pound woman who obviously gets to eat way more than I do, need my spare change?
I went to Jack In The Box today at lunch with Mojo. Now upon going there, I learned that a Turkey Jack burger, which is marketed as being healthier than your average hamburger for people who like burgers, comes standard on a whole wheat bun with "fresh produce" (lettuce, tomato and red onion), ketchup, and... mayonnaise and three slices of cheese.
Three. Slices. Of cheese. And mayo. What other burgers at Jack In The Crack have three slices of cheese? The Ultimate Bacon Cheeseburger? Hey, I'll just take that, thanks. Sheesh. If I were going to have a hamburger, you might as well have the one that tastes like pork fat on a roll and have the two patty two slice of cheese ultimate bacon cheeseburger. I don't know if it comes with Mayo, but it sure as hell comes with one less slice of cheese than on the damned low fat heart healthy $3.29 Turkey Jack.
Three dollars and twenty nine cents for a heart bomb.
Let's see, what else. The power went out last night right after I finished working just before 9pm. It was out for a little over an hour, maybe close to two. It also blew like a motherfucker here, and the pool that S. worked so hard to clean is now filthy dirty, and there's lawn furniture in the yard. Actually I fished a lawn chair out of the bottom of the pool this morning. This is the time of year I hate living here. 25 mile an hour winds and 100+ freaking degrees, pouring rain and a whole neighborhood of crap dumped up in my cul-de-sac yard. Fuck me, man, I don't have time for this shit. I have two jobs to do, four animals to babysit and a boyfriend to try to take care of, goddammit. Plus, if my damned neighbor would keep her fucking pine tree trimmed... PINE TREE! If she would trim her PINE TREE, then 20 pounds of needles wouldn't end up in my DESERT ROCK YARD for me to have to vacuum up with the damned portable leaf blower vac. That I had to buy. At Home Depot. Just to suck up fucking pine needles.
I think that's about it. My eyes hurt from crying at the memorial, I'm a little emotionally wound up, I had a glass of wine and S. is going to call me when he's off his shift at Luke AFB tonight at around midnight, so I should see if I can get an hour's sleep before that happens.
Oh, and I'm breaking out in hives. Stress, I suppose. I have already scratched myself until I'm bruised. Just lost track of my own strength.
I'm tired.
So I'm going to bed.
Hope my discussion of my day wasn't too boring for y'all. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
Wednesday, July 30, 2003
Please see the NEW link under NEWS on the left hand side - Hall Of Stupid Internet Horndogs - thanks to Shanna for putting this together. Read three women's interactions with random IM internet horndogs and the efforts they make to get in our pants. It's actually kind of a crack-up, and could be educational for you or someone you know if you happen to use IM to try to meet chicks. Not that I think any of you would do that. But in case you do. Or know someone. Or if you're a chick who is used to this kind of thing anyway. You know what I'm trying to say.
Okay. So let me catch you up a little bit.
I finally heard from K.,and she seems to be holding up remarkably well under the circumstances. The memorial for her mother is tonight at 6pm and then I've been told that some time in the future, maybe a couple of weeks down the road, we are going to have our own spiritual-based memorial where we remember her for who WE knew her as, we, the people who did see her as a Mom figure. There would be three or four of us at that, I think. I'm guessing my closure is going to come at the "real" memorial when we get together and not tonight. But I'm going tonight anyway.
So yesterday I get in the truck to go to work after stopping at my mom's house and the car starts clunking and jerking like I'm running over pot-holes in the road. I called Mojo and asked him if he could meet me at the Isuzu dealership since I had to take the truck down there and have them look at it, I couldn't keep driving it like that. Being the guy he is, which is why I care so much about him, he turned his car around and met me at the dealership and I rode into work with him. Of course by the time I phoned him I was in tears, because I couldn't understand how one more thing could happen this week that I'd have to deal with. After all, am I not having enough trouble dealing with Paula's death, now I have to deal with the truck?
I think my mom (biological) once said to me, "God doesn't give you more than you can handle in a day." Now although her concept of "God" and mine differ, I'd have to agree with that idea. That maybe just when we think we're at the end of our rope and there's nothing else we can take, we get pushed just a little farther to prove to us that we can.
Work has been good but busy. Seems like every time I turn around there's a little bit more to do, which is good. It's keeping me busy. Less to think about when you're thinking about work.
Oh! I got my first IM from my blog yesterday and I was really, really excited. Interestingly enough it's one of the people who was looking for an "armpit lump!" Ha! Thank you, lumpy armpits! So anyway, had a nice conversation with this person, who wanted to know if my lump went away and what I did. Maybe I converted another reader. Who knows! Well, if you're reading this, new armpit lump friend, howdy do and don't forget to let me know about how your doctor's appointment went. Don't worry, I won't give your Yahoo ID here, who else needs to know you have an armpit lump?
And then the storm came. My boyfriend is working nights this week, and he got caught right in the middle of it. At about 9pm, my lights just kind of went, "clunk." It was awful - was on the phone with S. and I said, "The lights just flickered." And he said "Better go get some candles," and I lost him. Two seconds later the lights were out and it was pitch black dark, and I bet it was 20mph wind or more. My lawn furniture flew across my yard, my beautiful clean pool is now no longer beautiful and clean, and I was scared.
For some reason I have never liked thunderstorms. S. loves them. I'm like my dogs, I would rather just hide. I think part of it lately is because I'm alone here in my house, so that makes it that much worse. I get worried a tree's going to fall or I'm going to be without power all night or whatever in the world I have to be worried about. So it's frustrating. The power came back on around 11p I guess, and S. called me three times to check on me.
I'm real lucky to have S. while I'm going through all of this. Mojo reminded me yesterday that he's not like everyone else. He's so interested in communicating with me and keeping in touch and making sure I know he's thinking about me. I don't know if he realizes how much those little communication things mean to me in situations like this. All I really need is to be kept in contact with. All I really need is love, man. Isn't that a song?
I'm a lucky girl. Despite all this bullshit that's been going on. I have someone to go through it with. And that makes all the difference in the world. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
Tuesday, July 29, 2003
I went to Wal Mart.
I bought two cans of Pringles and a bag of Bugles, a bottle of cranberry juice (reduced calorie) and a can of vegetable soup.
I'm not proud of what I have done. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
Please take a moment and read the blogs of some of my friends, old and new, who can be found down the left hand side of the page. Read what they have to say, comment if you're so inclined. Maybe you'll pick up a new "must read" in the process! -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
I don't know if I am going to really post anything today. I still feel like I got run over by a mack truck. I still haven't heard directly from my best friend which means she does, too, as she should under the circumstances.
Please bear with me in the meantime. I'm sorry for the gap. I think I just need to sleep a little, and I don't feel like I slept at all. So it's all weird.
If for some reason I don't get anything else posted today please understand. Thanks.
Rose -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
Monday, July 28, 2003
My best friend’s mother died.
I found out the news this morning while I sat at my desk and worked. Another dear friend of mine called to give me the news, because Kelly knew she wouldn’t be able to make it through the conversation with me without crying.
Paula was like a second mom to me. A close friend of mine commented that I never talked about her. It was an odd set of circumstances, me and Kelly and Paula.
Kelly is my best friend on the planet. And I don’t see or talk to her all that much. We just have one of those relationships where when our time overlaps it’s amazing and wonderful, and when it doesn’t, we’re okay too. We’ve known each other for about 17 or 18 years. And for those years, I called Paula, Kelly’s mother, “Mom.”
When I was an angst-filled teenager that felt like she had nowhere to turn, Kelly’s mom talked to me and called me “kiddo” and tried to help me figure stuff out. She opened her house to me and tolerated Kelly and I sewing costume dresses and singing from the South Pacfic soundtrack. She decorated cakes and loved bird houses.
When she got divorced and got her apartment, I would go over there with Kelly and say hi to her from time to time. She had a beautiful little patio on her bottom floor apartment that was filled with green potted plants and Guido, her cat, who lazed around wondering why the rest of the world was in such a hurry. I remember roller skating with her. We were probably in our early or mid 20’s. Paula was dating a man who would go roller skating with her. Once or twice, Kelly and I went roller skating with them. I remember seeing her gliding around the rink, forwards, then backwards, making it look so easy. And I remember the smile on her face as she zoomed around.
When she got her house, I’d go over there with Kelly and check out the new kittens or the way she rearranged the furniture. When I’d take my walks through the neighborhood in the morning, I’d silently say “Good morning, Mom” when I’d walk past her house. I figured somehow, she heard me.
When Kelly told her that I’m a witch, she accepted me where I fear my own parents would never accept me. She might not have exactly considered me as one of her kids, but I certainly thought of her as a Mom.
For years, I wished she WAS my mom. Someone so understanding, forward thinking, with so much spark and so much life. She didn’t care what the world thought of her. She was just going to be who she was. Evil ex husbands and psycho freak people be damned. Paula was going to do things her way.
And then she got cancer.
Paula fought the cancer better than I could ever have imagined it. She got chemo for this kind of cancer, surgery for another, medications and trials and trips to California and second and third opinions. She made jokes about it, she met it head on and she made sure that none of us were ever afraid for her.
Paula died of complications from brain surgery. She was having a tumor removed from her brain that was found when she applied for eligibility for a new cancer drug trial. The surgery was supposed to be as “routine” as brain surgery could be. Her frail body just never quite recovered. Kelly didn’t tell me on Saturday when it happened. She wanted to have a little better handle on things before she told me.
And today I feel like I lost a I love you, Mom. It’s not like I have to tell you so, but watch over Kelly. She lived for you. Living without you, living after you, is going to be very hard on her.
It’s going to be hard on me, too.
Saturday, July 26, 2003
Hi, anyone coming over from eBay. Not sure how I made the thread or the list over there, but if you ever want to come back you're more than welcome.
I am continually amazed.
And now for today's Spam Title That Made Me Laugh is:
"Is your peeeeeeeeeeeenis big enough?"
My penis is just fine, thanks...
Palabra. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
Friday, July 25, 2003
Just a moment to thank and welcome readers from Japan, Chile, Canada, Australia, Montana, Texas, New Mexico, Tucson AZ, the US Army, the US Coast Guard, and many other places and companies and homes. It's really neat to be able to see where everyone is looking in from. I just get giddy thinking that there are people from around the world who might take a few seconds to read about my life and what goes on with me. So thank you. You are welcomed and appreciated. I'd probably write even if nobody read. But the idea that someone reads, is even cooler.
Now, here's an interesting little tidbit:
Put Me In Coach, I'm Ready To Play
Google is a wonderful creature. How else could I be getting so many poor people, confused as they must be upon getting here, who were searching Google for:
Kobe Bryant Lying Whore I guess we know what's on the world's mind, eh? Those topics are all topics people searched on Google, MSN, and Yahoo, and somehow got the link to this blog and for some reason clicked on it. And came here, and found my rant about his predicament.
Why does the world want to know this girl's address? What, they think they're gonna go get a piece? Please.
People are so strange.
Oh and then there was the winning entry this week: "Is Your Girlfriend A Cheat?
Seriously. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
Thursday, July 24, 2003
How is it that fifty unique visitors read this a day, and I get no comments?
Come on people, show the love. seriously. What in the world is going on with that?!
Sigh. I feel unworthy and unloved.
Do you feel guilty enough yet to comment? -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
The best spam title I've seen in days in my Hotmail box that gets about 40 pieces of spam a night... (if you ever write me there please put something like "blog" in the title so I don't overlook it)... is officially... "THE GREATER MASS WILL HELP YOU GET SOME ASS!" Oh, lord. Yeah, last time I checked, I'd have to say my penis appeared to be inadequate. Oh wait, maybe that's because I have BREASTS.
gah. I still had to laugh. Mass. Ass. It rhymes. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
YET PEOPLE PUSH BULLSHIT IN MY FACE IT'S GONNA COME AROUND, WHAT GOES AROUND COMES AROUND. Well, welcome to another installment of Not My Place To Blog About It.
S.'s stupid ex wife Angela is at it again. So, there's a lot of things going on there in the "personal life" department that really shouldn't even be affecting me, but are. I don't know if it's that he's so used to dealing with her bullshit, and the bullshit of others, that he just lets it roll off his back like water off a duck, but I'm not wired that way. I'm kind of hardwired into the whole freaking out until stuff is resolved method of living, which is probably why I'm teetering on the edge of an ulcer.
That seems to be one of the biggest differences between S. and I. He flares up but then comes to his senses and uses the flare-up to motivate him to just finish things off. Me, I get flared up and then I just carry my stress around like it's a sack lunch, and nibble on it from time to time. Eventually I'm gnawing on the paper sack, but that's just the way I've always handled things.
So, S. tried to reassure me that what's going on with him is not only just an unfortunate part of life, but that together we'll get through it and that he's just going to keep doing the next right thing.
It's not that I'm not confident that he's DOING the FIRST right thing, because I am. And it's not that I think he's not capable of doing it, because I know he is, or we are. And I'm glad that he's taking me along on the ride, actually. But I suppose I get scared that somehow, this freako woman who's standing in the middle of the railroad tracks with a sign that says "stop," as the speeding train that is my relationship with S. comes barreling down the track, is actually going to get the train to stop.
Did that make any sense?
I want to believe that the only person who can screw things up for me and S., is me and S. And so if she's able to detour this relationship by making other things the primary source of action in his life, that's just frustrating for me.
You see! It IS about me! I AM a narcicisstic bitch!
This thing I've got going on with S. is the best thing that's probably ever happened to me. We understand each other and we support each other, we make a point of being there for each other no matter what. Maybe I need to learn that being there and being supportive is what is most important (jump in any time, any of you men out there that would love to educate me about the finer points). I'm a fixer, I want to fix stuff. I want to wave my magick wand and make everything in this psycho ex wife's little plan for superiority to just disappear. But, I can't do it. All I can do is watch. Just be there, and be supportive, shut up, smile, and watch.
It's hard for me. Control freak. Not in that bad self destructive evil way, but in that "c'mon I'm sure I can help you with that, let me help you" way.
da. da. da.
Because I am broke as all hell, in lieu of coffee, have consumed one Vivarin and one Diet Mountain Dew. Think that'll get me going? Can't have another day at work where I feel like I am spinning my wheels. So many changes going on there, things I can't write about here because I was told in confidence, things coming up that are going to affect me and others around me, things that run the risk of changing my job around. Some more.
Jesus, I just want to get a handle on the projects I HAVE right now! Worked on travel booking for some of the folks in the office all day yesterday. Ended up getting the travel booked and then had an upper management member come to me and basically say "See these trips where they go from this city to this one to this one all in one trip? I'd like you to break that out as all separate trips so we can make a cost comparison." Wouldn't approve the first trip until I did that. It's fine and all, it's just that I have so much stuff to do right now I feel like I have 6 small things going on and not getting any one in particular of them done.
I did get three things off my list yesterday, but I'm still behind after adding three more things to my list that need to get done.
I hope we hire some folks soon. I'm so tired leaving there in the evenings lately between hard work and personal stress, and then I have to come home and work... it's a hard row to hoe.
Tired. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
Wednesday, July 23, 2003
Please check out Shanna's Soapbox and her blog if you get a chance. She's got some great writing on there and we seem to think alike. If you like this, you'll probably like her.
Also, if you're interested, S.'s blog has a new template that could use a tweak or two. I'm having trouble making the archives show up right on the right hand side. Anyone know any good tricks? The standard line breaks and paragraph markers don't work no matter what I do, and I'm really stuck.
Peezeowt, y'all. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
Tuesday, July 22, 2003
People I Need To Kill:
My dear, wonderful, perfect friend Mojo who is one of the masterminds behind us getting staff pictures taken today in 110 degrees and humid on the 25th floor balcony of a large office building in hazy downtown Phoenix.
Rose, afraid of heights, is standing on the balcony, near the railing, tugging nervously at her attractive red suit with navy trim, wondering if she has lipstick on her teeth. John, the mild-mannered white-shirted bespectacled anal-retentive factcruncher, who is behind the camera, is fiddling with the flash and focus.
"These are in black and white," Mojo said to me. "Oh," I said. "Really?"
"Yeah, you're familiar with black and white, you should be comfortable." I smiled and shrugged.
"Except you know, here you have your clothes on."
John looked at him, looked at me, looked back at him, muttered something like, "I don't want to know..." and went about snapping my photo.
It still won't be as sexy as my self portrait. C'mon. Seriously.
I was away from my desk and when I returned I saw: miko_like90: hello rose BUZZ!!! sablerose70: Hello? sablerose70: Please don't buzz. At this point, I checked miko_like90’s profile and found that it was non-existent. So, either he was a blog reader (hence “Rose”) or he pulled “Rose” off my profile, suggesting he may have actually read it. miko_like90: hello miko_like90: hi miko_like90: ok miko_like90: u webcam sablerose70: No, I do not have my camera online. Can I help you? (long pause) miko_like90: ok miko_like90: ur hobbies sablerose70: Do you speak English? sablerose70: I listed my hobbies on my profile. Did you take the time to read my profile? miko_like90: ok miko_like90: ok (long pause) sablerose70: Well, I really have to get going now. sablerose70: Plus, I make a point of not IM-ing with someone who doesn't have a profile. miko_like90: ok miko_like90: u like sex Ladies and Gentlemen, we have a winner. miko_like90: ur pic nice miko_like90: ok BUZZ!!! sablerose70: Please don't buzz me. I asked that. sablerose70: I really have to go now. miko_like90: ok (long pause) miko_like90: u like sex sablerose70: What part of this conversation are you not understanding? miko_like90: ok miko_like90: u re marreied sablerose70: Did you read my profile? sablerose70: I explained my personal details in my profile. miko_like90: yes see ur pro ok sablerose70: I should be going. miko_like90: why miko_like90: u re goi miko_like90: ure brest size sablerose70: What is your point, exactly? (long pause) sablerose70: That's what I thought. Bye, now. At this point, I closed the window. About two minutes later…
Again I closed his window. And again he came back from the dead after about two minutes. I chose to ignore him for a while and see if he’d have a conversation with himself, true to form of any random Neanderthal internet horndog.
He did not disappoint.
This went on for at least ten more minutes, as I walked away from the computer and came back to still find him talking to himself. I then went to take care of something far from the computer, and came back to find I had apparently hit the jackpot.
… and miko finally shut up.
Here’s something fun. Everyone who reads this should email our buddy Kevin and tell him he’s a lying, filthy internet poon trolling cheat.
Even better, maybe you should send him a Yahoo! IM (click here)! Are you with me? Hey, if you are, be sure to comment and let me know. Follow me! You know you wanna! Muahahahahahahahahahah!
GO TOGETHER LIKE A HORSE AND CARRIAGE Go here to ensure that people in love will have the right to be married and live together legally, lawfully, with all the rights and privileges given to committed married couples in this country.
It's the right thing to do.
Please take just a minute. Thanks. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
LOVE IS, WHATEVER YOU MAKE IT TO BE Okay. So I’m frustrated when bad things happen to good people. Life can make things so rough sometimes, and there’s nothing we can do about it. I will never rightly understand why people who do nothing but leech from the world and screw other people over to get ahead, continue to get ahead.
I’m a firm believer in karma. Do what you do, and I’ll do what I do, and if I don’t injure you and you don’t injure me, it’s good. Do what you have to do in your life to be happy, but don’t make other people miserable in the process.
People like Angela (S.'s ex) and my ex and other folks I know, or know of, do that. They pursue happiness at the EXPENSE of other people. And I have this streak where I want to be the Angel of Justice and I want to punish them all for what they do to other people. I want to make it right for the other guy. I want to watch karma in action.
Unfortunately it doesn’t work that way.
And so I sit here, wishing there were something I could do for S., and wishing I could rain down hellfire and sulfur on the ex husbands and ex wives and Napoleonic little pricks of the world. But I can’t.
This is when a person has to have faith. I guess I better start practicing.
Can't I just hunt them all down and beat them silly?
Monday, July 21, 2003
Another day, another dollar, another weekend.
First, let me rant just a little bit about being a girl on the internet who can take a decent pictures. Anyone who has seen my Yahoo! Profile will testify that I make very clear, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that I am not looking for love, or sex, or cybersmut. I mention my “long term relationship” and how I am “madly in love” with the man of my dreams. Short of having pictures of the two of us on the profile, I don’t know what else I could do. I suppose I could not have a profile, or I could sit in “invisible” mode on Yahoo! Messenger all the time, which I actually did for about six straight months to avoid people.
But then I put my online indicator on the blog, so I figured I would actually show myself as online when I really was in the hopes I might meet a new friend who might want to talk to me from reading this little slice of my life.
How wrong can a girl be?
I swear to God/dess, I’ve ignored more people in the last two or three days on Yahoo than I did in six months. Men who page me and just say “hi” and nothing else and then have no profile of their own (I probably won’t talk to you if you don’t have a profile) or who want to guilt me into sitting there and talking to them while they ask me if I was naked in those photos when I took them (no) or if I want to cyber… then there’s the whole thing where they send pictures with themselves (supposedly) naked, or of their disgusting hairy penises, or who are looking for a “good time.” The local boys are the worst, it seems, because they seem to think I’ll drop everything (including my boyfriend) and run off and meet them somewhere for a quickie.
Men are weird. Why do they do this? Why do people selectively read? They see a picture of a girl on the internet (and I’m not even all that fine, let’s be realistic) and they think it’s gonna get them laid. They selectively read. They miss the part about me being in love (even when my Yahoo! Status is set to “madly in love” or having a boyfriend. Selective listening. Selective reading. It’s unreal. And of course I’m oddly responding to all of them at least once unless they fly out of the box with “wanna get naked for me on your cam?” Because somewhere, deep down, I am hoping it’s someone who’s been reading my soap opera life and would like to talk to me, but that doesn’t happen.
Am I bitter? No. I am just tired of being hit on by weirdos.
The Boy With The Cold, Hard Cash Is Always Mr. Right.
Okay so not really.
But S. got me a present. Ever seen a body pillow? It’s like a huge long five foot or more long pillow that’s just big enough to snuggle up against like you’ve got someone in the bed with you. He brought me one of those, since I have a hard time getting to sleep after he’s been in the house with me a couple days. A sort of surrogate S., if you will. It just can’t hold me back. Oh well. But I don’t like thunderstorms, which has been the weather in the evenings here lately, and this helped me sleep pretty much through it.
Too bad I took some medicine before I went to bed and had a hard time getting up this morning. I’ve been dragging all day and I’m just feeling a little worn down. Maybe I’m a little hormonal. Maybe I’m just an evil bitch. I suppose it’s not for me to decide.
Friday, July 18, 2003
I used to love basketball.
I used to love the NBA. I mean, I was a fan. I was a hard-core fan. One year when I was in college I remember watching the end of an NBA game in the finals when Phoenix (where I live) beat the Lakers (where I don’t live) in a game they were honestly supposed to lose. And my roommate and I got in the car and drove to Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport with the express purpose of being there in the terminal to welcome the Suns home. I think we had little cardboard signs and everything. It took us a half an hour to get into the terminal parking lot and then we sat in the terminal for over an hour waiting for them to come out, but when they heard the airport was mobbed by a screaming hoarde of basketball freaks chanting “go Suns, go Suns,” they detoured the plane and shuffled them off a different way than through the public terminal.
And I was okay with it. At least I was there with the other basketball freaks to show my support.
I remember sitting on the floor of my first apartment with a wine cooler and a bag of chips watching the basketball games. I remember watching games with my mother. I remember shouting at the TV and being all excited to see “Go Suns!” banners plastered all over buildings around Phoenix when I was younger. I remember what it was like to be able to take some pride in stuff.
Then, little by little, the BIG BAD GANGSTA mentality took over. Guys started showing up to play in cornrows and strange body jewelry. We’d hear stories of people getting arrested for weapon possession or drug use or sexual assault. Basketball shorts got longer and longer so now they just look like they’re wearing baggy man-versions of Capri pants. Logos started to change so they looked more “90’s” or “millennium.” Free Agency ruled the world. $120,000,000 contracts. First draft picks out of high school. Mushmouthed athletes who can’t form valid sentences being granted locker room interviews. Centers taking more time to make bad movies and even worse rap albums than practicing the one thing that is their real and true job. Complaints that they aren’t making enough money.
Hello? These men’s raging post-game shit is probably worth more than I make in a year.
Somewhere along the line, professional athletes – and it seems in particular NBA athletes – turned into a bunch of whining, crying, don’t-wanna-do-anything-but-be-a-gangsta-celebrity, fuck-you-I-play-basketball pussy pieces of shit. Now I’m sure there are some out there that understand that they are getting paid more in a year than most people make in a lifetime to play a game, to bounce a ball, to be an icon, but those aren’t the ones we hear about. The ones who get noticed, the ones who wreck it for everyone else, and the ones who destroyed my enjoyment of that game, are the pussy crybaby asshats.
So Kobe Bryant got charged today with felony sexual assault. Imagine that. And after denying that anything happened, he was kind enough to issue a written statement admitting to adultery but not to sexual assault.
Adultery. Have you seen Kobe Bryant’s wife? Ladies and gentlemen (especially the gentlemen) she’s hot. Make that HOTT! That girl is amazingly pretty. And she’s a new mother. He has a new baby. What the hell does he think he’s doing bobbing his knob in Colorado when his ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS WIFE and new baby are at home in Los Angeles? What, he can’t stand to be away from her for a few days? Sexual addiction? We can only hope.
The reality is, Kobe’s got a trophy wife, a child that he probably had just so he could try to live up to his image of being a family man, and I sincerely hope that soon he is going to have both a very, very, very, very, very rich MILF of an EX WIFE, a very well-taken-care-of trophy child, and a very, very rich young gal in Colorado who gets to clean up at the bank too. That asshat of an adulterous gansta wannabe twit doesn’t deserve the money he makes (do any of them?). Someone who had to sacrifice something for it might as well enjoy it.
Before anyone says anything, this is not racially motivated and I will soundly deny any such thing. There have been, there are, and there will be whiney-ass athletes, black, white, brown, purple, and everything in between, in professional sports as long as we continue to pay them outrageous salaries and wear their numbers on our backs like worshippers in a temple.
But more athletes should be like Pat Tillman, who quit a lucrative NFL career to serve his country as an army ranger just in time for the war. Oh, and his brother, who signed up too. In my opinion, there’s a real man. There’s a real athlete. There’s a real champion.
Boycott Sprite, McDonald’s, Spalding, Upper Deck, and anything else you know that Kobe Bryant or any other lawbreaking sex offender athlete endorses.
It’s the right thing to do.
Some things I have realized in the first few hours of work today.
1) My boss looks like my WeatherPixie. No, I am not kidding. She's almost the same size, too. I love my boss.
2) I have very little patience today.
3) Self important businessmen who think the world should revolve around them, who repeatedly tell you that the meeting they have been begging to be a part of isn't conveniently scheduled... who say "Please let me be involved the next time you meet" and then with three weeks notice say "That's not convenient, I can't make it"... for whom you hold THREE time slots open and they tell you they can SURELY make one, allowing you to overlook anyone else who might have been able to make it in the time slots, only to tell you A WEEK LATER that they can't make it... are asshats.
4) I am very, very hungry.
5) I want sushi. Specifically, I want a spicy salmon roll with cucumber (the kind with creamy spicy japanese mayo in it), I want salmon nigiri, I want eel, I want ginger, I want edamame, I want spicy tuna roll, I want yellowtail scallion, I want tobiko, I want anything that's not freaking monkfish freaking liver or disgusting brown slimy bitter booger uni. I want sushi. Did I mention I wanted some sushi? I really wish I could get some sushi.
6) I miss S.
7) Hungry. Yeah. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
I PROMISE TO. Well, here is the story of the day my mother apologized to me. As S. was kind enough to point out to me, from here we just have to see if she’s going to live up to what she’s said. But at least it was good to hear from her.
I stopped over to my mom’s the other day to drop off and pick up some typing work (she acts as my courier during the week). As always, when I went over there I was pretty much interested in getting in and getting out as soon as possible, so I wasn’t very chit-chatty. We talked briefly about my interaction with my asshat of an ex husband, and she was sympathetic to my feelings as well as reminding me what a better person I am than him anyway. She told me she was proud of me for the way I handled things, and thought it was great.
And that’s when she started to cry. “I just want you to be happier,” she said. “You’re not a happy person, and I believe that’s my fault.” I didn’t know what to say. I just kind of stood there in a strange, silent awe, while she looked at me and tears filled her eyes.
”I’m a happy person,” I said. “I’m happy right now in more ways than I’ve been in years.” She grabbed my hand and said, “Yes, I can understand that, I see that. But there’s so much more you could be happy about. You deserve so many things. Why don’t you understand how happy and healthy you deserve to be? Everyone around you does.”
I couldn’t understand where all of this was coming from, which is about the time I said, “Where is all of this coming from?” She said, “When I’m so critical of you and judgmental, I’m not mean because I’m being mean to you. I mean, I’m being mean to you, but it’s not just that.”
I was, at this point, getting a little confused.
”It’s like this,” she said. “I have two kids. One of them has a husband, a son, and a baby on the way. The other one is the better person. You. You’re the better person.”
I was still silent.
”I don’t know what I did,” she said, “when you were younger. Somewhere along the line, I think I taught you how to hate yourself. I taught you that you weren’t good enough and that you’d never be good enough. I taught you that you didn’t matter. I taught you that you weren’t worth it.” Now, I was starting to cry.
”I’ve been trying to undo whatever it is I did to you as a child that makes you still believe those things,” she said, “because I was wrong. You’re not less-than. But I taught you how to hate yourself.”
I couldn’t believe I was hearing this from my mother. My mom, who can’t be around me for five minutes without finding something to berate me for, or criticize.
”The reason I get so angry and critical when I am being judgmental of you… is because it’s all my fault. So I’m judging you, and being critical of you… and then I realize I’ve done this to you, I’m the one who taught you how to be so critical of yourself, how to not like yourself, how to hate yourself. And then I get mad at me. And by then I’ve already said it or done it. I just get mad. At myself. I’m sorry.”
I was, at this point, still silent. I didn’t know what to say. I think sometimes I’ve prayed for the moment where she would understand – no – ACKNOWLEDGE that she has something to do with my periodic bouts of self loathing. With the reasons behind why I’m overweight, behind my eating disorder, behind my period of depression a couple years ago. Not that it was her FAULT, but that she was somehow connected.
And here, in my 33rd year on the planet, here she was doing it. Saying it. Acknowledging it.
” I’m sorry,” she said. Then we talked about S. for a while and what an amazing guy he is, and she told me that she almost cried this weekend in the car when she heard us having a little conversation driving down the road:
S: Hey. Look at that house. Great color.
She likes him. She likes that we tease each other about the future. She likes it that he holds my hand and lets me fall asleep leaning against him on the couch. So, for her to acknowledge that I’ve made a fine choice in men is also another major breakthrough.
Anyone who’s known me for any length of time and knows my mom will acknowledge that she’s never done anything like this. I guess I just have to wait to see if she lives up to it or not.
So. I know, not very entertaining or fun, but those are the facts.
Just the facts, ma’am.
Thursday, July 17, 2003
Some people are just stupid. And the ones that are purely stupid are the least bothersome of all of the stupid people. The ones that are stupid and annoying rank above purely stupid folks; the ones that are rude and stupid rank above the annoying individuals; and the people who are STUPID, ANNOYING AND RUDE outclass all others on the Hierarchy of Stupid.
S.’s ex wife, in this circumstance, would qualify as SAR. Stupid, Annoying, and Rude.
The other day S. phoned me to let me know that he got a late notice on a movie that we had rented from my local video store, the one half a mile from my house. We had rented “About Schmidt” and had taken it over to my mom’s house to watch, and we returned it the next day. Or at least, I thought we did. He let me know we had a late notice from Blockbuster, sent to his apartment (did we rent the movies under his name that night?) in the amount of $4.09.
So I told him I’d take care of it, and I forgot briefly. I was over at his place last night and I saw the late notice. I figured I’d snag it to help me remember to pay the late fee on my way home today. And I started reading it, and noticed that it gave clear instructions:
To make payment arrangements, please phone (210) 590-4575 at your earliest convenience.
Please remit payment to Blockbuster Video, 3195 Nacogdoches Rd, San Antonio, TX 78217.
For more information about this transaction, please phone your local Blockbuster Video store at (210) 590-4575.
Okay. What? Exqueeze me?
So I look at this card more closely and figure out that it’s also mailed from San Antonio, probably from this strange Blockbuster on Nacogdoches Road, to S.’s address here in Arizona.
Guess who lives in San Antonio, TX? Who had the same last name as S.? Who could possibly be lazy enough that rather than get her own Blockbuster Video account, she’d stand at the counter and bat her (stupid) eyes at the video store clerk trying to convince him that she should be able to rent on S.’s account?
Who would return a New Release late and then conveniently forget to let anyone know that there might be a late charge showing up?
Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?
Angela. (Picture the old Seinfeld sitcom… remember when Jerry and Newman used to pass in the hallway? “Jerry.” “Newman.”
Angela is Newman. She’s scheming. She’s conniving. She’s lazy. She thinks the world owes her. And she’s divorced from S. and is using his Blockbuster Video account, after he has taken her off the account. What a bitch.
So, now he has to take time tonight to phone them in TEXAS and talk to them about how he had taken her off the account, and she wasn’t allowed to use it, and he’s not going to pay their freaking $4.09 since – as he’s in Arizona – there’s no way he rented that movie. Gah.
You’re Just Like A Pill, You’re Making Me Ill
My mom apologized to me. Anyone want to hear about that?
Wednesday, July 16, 2003
Def Leppard. Rock on.
So the pictures that have been added into the header, are me. Honest and for true.
All three are self-portraits. Left and right taken in my home. Middle taken on an ATV in Los Barriles, Baja California Sur, Mexico in November, 2002, where my dad is retiring (and where I hope to some day).
Shyeah. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
Just a little plug for my good friend Mojo and my good friend Krystal who have started blogs. Give them a read if you get a chance. They just started, so have patience. I guarantee they have stories to tell. :)
peezeowt -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
So this morning, Maury took me for coffee. Thank you, my friend, for providing me the sweet, sweeeeeeeeeet elixir of life. Even if I did get it with half the fat. (nonfat milk, add whipped cream. I must be some kind of idiot.) And so I'm looking at this Seattle's Best cup.
I do some marketing. I don't claim to be a marketing whiz. But I never really looked at the Seattle's Best stuff before. Here's some gems off the Seattle's Best cup.
"Bold Flavor. Smooth Taste." What does that mean, exactly? Can something be bold and smooth at the same time? Can it? And is there really a difference between "flavor" and "taste?" If there is, can someone explain it to me?
And then there's this one... I love this one... "Go to the mountains to learn mountains. Go to Seattle to learn Beans." Bwahaha! Learn beans? Know beans? Know beans? Now where I come from, that's like telling someone they don't know Jack Schitt. Beans. Gah.
But the coffee's not bad. It's actually pretty good.
I'll Ask A Doctor To Take Your Picture So I Can See You From The Inside As Well
So last night I'm sitting on Yahoo, and I have recently added a bunch of photography to my Yahoo profile. It's currently all of myself, because I am an evil narcicisstic bitch. No, seriously. So anyway I'm sitting minding my own business, when someone pages me....
"Hey, I don't mean to interrupt you but wanted to tell you I love your photography, you have great eyes! I'll leave you to what you're doing, but do you have more photography you'd like to share? I like to take pictures of nature scenes, sunsets and the ocean myself." So I think, hey, photography person, if he was looking at my profile he obviously knows I'm taken since I have S. all over it, and it's always nice to talk to a photo buff. So I click on 'view profiles' and find a profile picture of his ugly penis wearing a blonde wig, and that he's a dom looking for a sub or a couple so he can "do the woman while you watch." What an unclefucker. I wish I had saved his profile link just to put it here. He advertised a site on his profile that said "Don't look at this unless you want to see video of me masturbating." Gag me.
You Can Call Me, Call Me, Any Time
Last night at 11pm after playing Tradewars and kicking ass (I'm #1 in the game but I'm not winning by a long shot) I went to bed. And my cell phone started ringing. Now my cell phone has a fairly annoying ring, as it's an older Nokia phone. So it plays "samba." Doot-doodoodoo-doodoo-doodoodo-duhduhduh-Doot-doodoodoo-doodoo-doodoodoo... Okay. And it's "ascending" "samba" so it gets louder and louder and louder. So it's across the house and I can freaking hear it while I'm there trying to just, you know, sleep. SIX TIMES the phone rang. I finally got up and ran out and grabbed it while it was ringing.
So then I notice that it's not a phone number I know... and that I have a voicemail message. So I listen to the message.
"Press one to listen to your message." *one* "First message." *click*
So as i'm backing out of the voicemail thingy - IT RINGS AGAIN. Same number. Same asshat. It is now 12:05.
I answer the phone.
So I look at the number and redial it, and they let it ring and ring and ring and then it just quit ringing. So, I sat in my living room in my undies and my tank top dialing the phone number over and over again just so they couldn't call me back. I bet I dialed them five more times. They never answered. I turned my cell phone off.
And then I got up this morning and was very tired.
And then my friend Maury offered to buy me a sweet chocolately caremely caffeinated goodness. With half the fat.
And we've come full circle.
Tuesday, July 15, 2003
Okay, let me lighten the mood a little bit instead of boring everyone (everyone?) with my boring moldy moldy ass crap, since I can't seem to come up with anything fun lately.
How about some weird linkage?
First of all... I am officially the #1 link on Google for "Great Googly Moogly!" I feel like I should have myself a little party or something, but honestly in the scope of things how important is it, really?
Second of all, I get a few hits a day on here from all over (as we'll see by the linkage) and no one comments and no one leaves me any notes on the zonkboard. Well I got one note from one new person yesterday (which I appreciate) but I wonder... if my sitemeter tells me that all of you people are here for 00:00 mins and seconds, does that mean they click on my link on Google, which is clearly a blog, and then say, "Aw, crap, it's just a stupid blog" and move on, or is Sitemeter glitching out and are you actually staying and reading? I'm just saying.
Okay. So get this.
Stuff People Search For And End Up Clicking On Me
I sit here this morning, feeling a little frazzled, with the back of my throat hurting and my eyes hurting from the projectile bulemic vomit I had last night. Not fun, and my stomach hurts from not really having anything in it during the formative hours of the morning.
A few days ago when I realized I was feeling pretty super broke, I decided to send my ex husband a letter. After consulting with some folks, I chose not to write the nasty four page tirade I would have normally done. You see, he owes me some money. Not a lot. Just enough to get me through a rough time.
So the letter said:
Dear Tom:
I am counting on you to do the next right thing.
Thanks in advance, I sent that letter to his house, at an address he didn't know I had (thank you, Nevada Public Records) and included a self-addressed, stamped envelope.
Some history on me and the money thing with the ex - we separated in December, 2001. When we did that we split up possessions and debts. In April 2002, our divorce was final. Between December and April, Tom "had to" see me twice to sign some paperwork. I did everything. He also made periodic payments to me on the joint debt in the marriage. Then in April the divorce was final and he still owed me about $1,300. He told me he was going to move back to Las Vegas and that he didn't want to haul the furniture back that he'd taken from the marriage, did I want to "buy" it back from him. So we figured out that there was about $1200 worth (wholesale value) of furniture there, and that left him oweing me a hundred dollars or so. So, he brought all the furniture back in May and moved to Las Vegas, saying he'd send me the $100 as soon as he got settled in.
Then he called me for something in June, I think it was about his pickup truck he took out of the marriage, and while I had him on the phone, I said, "Hey, have you had a chance to get that money together?" Little did I know the fucker was already living for free with his new girlfriend and was MARRIED so she wasn't even his girlfriend, she was his wife, and they had a two-income household while I sat here on this end working two jobs. He said he'd get that right in the mail to me.
Then in February he phoned me because he needed some tax paperwork (which I think was because they refinanced her house [which she's smart enough to have made him quit claim back to her, she must have a little bit of a brain on her shoulders]) and I said, "Hey, while I have you on the phone, do you think you could send me the money you owe me? I could really use it."
Then a month ago or so, he phoned my mother (who he used to work for) to tell her that his grandma had passed away. In February. So in June he calls her to tell her something that happened in February. Coincidentally, in February before he phoned me, which is probably why he needed tax paperwork. Inheritance. So I phone him, tell him I found out about his grandma dying, really sad, wish you would have told me, blah, blah, blah, by the way, found out you're married and expecting a kid, blah, blah, blah, while I've got you on the phone, do you think you could send me the money you owe me [and have owed me for a year and a half, you lazy, selfish, lying mother fucker... okay so that was my inside voice and not my outside voice]"
"Sure," he said. "I'll get that in the mail to you right away."
Lying mother fucker.
So, I sent him that kind letter, which believe me, for me was kind. My style is more the four page single spaced typed rambling tirade where I make him realize and remember every bad thing he ever did to me (beat me, threw furniture at me, threw plates at me, broke things over me, punched me in the face, drank constantly, used cocaine, got us $15,000 in debt to support drug habit, didn't like to come home when on drug binges, called me names, never helped me take care of anything in our marriage, lazy, nasty fuck.) But I didn't. I had like ten words. Dear Tom. I'm counting on you to do the next right thing. Please. Thanks in advance. Rose. Self addressed stamped envelope. You selfish mother fucker. (yeah, that was my inside voice again).
He then told me that the reason why he never called me to tell me that he was married and expecting a kid, is that he didn't want to make it any worse on me than it already must be (you know since I'm not married or pregnant) and he didn't want to "rub it in."
He did acknowledge that he felt like an ass after talking to me though, and says he's going to send me the money.
That's about the time I got up and went into the bathroom and projectile vomited my entire dinner and the diet coke I'd consumed with it, and went back to work on my second job typing away.
Not fun. Not a fun night, at all.
And this morning I found something else a little disturbing on the internet regarding S., which I'm taking some time and trying to digest, and just trying to understand what goes through his head sometimes. I suppose he's trying to understand what goes through mine. So it's okay.
You know, I'm not upset and angry and mad and surprised and upset that my "ex" cokehead ex husband who used to hit me and berate me doesn't want anything to do with me. It's not like I wanted to be friends with him in the first place. I don't like to talk to him. He's a piece of shit that I invested way too much time in.
But he'd be dead if it weren't for me, and that is no exaggeration. He was cashing substantial paychecks and using them to pay for coke and staying out all night on drug binges at one point in our marriage. I can't count the number of times he came home in the morning, called in sick to work and found me sitting, sleepless, in the living room with all our wedding pictures taken off the walls and a bag packed ready to leave him. But I never did. He told me he'd get clean and couldn't stay clean and sober 30 days in six months. But I didn't leave. Then he started acting clean but I know he was still lying to me.
The thing is, when a person goes into a sobriety program, one of the steps is for them to make amends to other people in order to help clear their conscience, so they don't have anything to drink or drug over. Tom and I were married for five years. He never made amends to me. He never told me where he went all the nights he left me sitting home or laying home or crying home alone because he was all coked up driving around town with buddies or girls or homeless people or by himself or whatever he was doing. He never apologized for those things. He never made amends for the fact that at one point I was working as many as four different jobs to try to get us out of debt and give us some kind of a life while he couldn't hold down one because he couldn't pass a drug test. He never apologized for what he put us through. I just woke up every morning and tried to love him for who he was and help him deal with his problem and do everything I could do to make it good for the two of us. He had everything he ever needed and most things he ever wanted, and I went without. He'd get four pairs of shoes a year, I'd shop at the thrift store for work clothes. He'd go fly around the country to take vacations with his dad but we couldn't afford to go anywhere or do anything ourselves. He came into the marriage with bad credit and no concept. He left the marriage and was able to get new credit cards and start his life over debt free. I gave him everything he wanted until the day our divorce was final. And he never gave me anything in return. I was never good enough.
Monday, July 14, 2003
Well. Another weekend with mom.
Another list of things she did or said that made me want to crawl in a hole and die.
I guess I should start with Friday...
Fridays I'm In Love
So there's this lady I work with. She's not a bad person, and I should begin with that. She's kind of older, and she's real set in her ways. She is task-focused and detail oriented and can do the same thing over and over again and do it perfectly every time, as long as there is NO DEVIATION FROM THE TASK PROCEDURE. She'll be the one to tell you this. She works best with no upheaval. No change. Nothing dynamic. Which surprised me when I first came on board where I am, because EVERYTHING is very dynamic there and there's change all the time. I came to find out that she makes no bones about being uncomfortable with change, and I've seen her be completely beliggerent with my boss.
On one occasion this person in a meeting with me, another girl on my team, my boss, and the CFO of the company... when my boss suggested that she change a procedure slightly on something... said... "Okay I tell you what," she said to my boss in front of all of us, "I'll print that out and give it to you, and YOU can do WHATEVER you WANT with it, how's THAT? YOU can just handle it."
Yeah, not what you say to your boss.
In front of your boss's boss.
Her attitude is pretty much like that all the time. So the thing about it is... she has such a bad attitude, that no one really likes to deal with her. I mean, she just doesn't really have any fans in the office. It's sad for her. And while I complain in secret to my friend in the office about her from time to time and make jokes about her inability to adjust to change, I have made efforts to partner up with her on some projects so she doesn't feel too badly about it.
So let's just say that I had a performance review and was told I have "raised the bar" for people in the department... and she had a performance review and was told she isn't reaching the [new] bar. She didn't like that. And she took it upon herself to start confronting people in the office and making a stink out of it every day after that... hell, every hour after that. Even to me. She badmouthed and mouthed off to our boss right IN FRONT OF ME on Friday! I mean, if you know that you're not doing what they think you should be doing, why mouth off to your boss?
So that's how my Friday was. Lots of stress, because they sent her home early in the day to reflect on her bad attitude and figure out if she can come back to work without mouthing off to everyone in the freaking building.
So I go home Friday night after a V E R Y long day and S. comes over in the evening and we go to a little sushi place up the street where we think we're going to become late friday night regulars. For $33 we each had a sake bomber and enough sushi that we could hardly finish all of it. It was amazing. And S. treated. You see, I'm broke as fuck-all right now because of the weird way the pay periods fall this month so I'm going to pay my house payment and have like $200 until the last day of the month. If I'm lucky. So he took us out, because he said we deserve it and he wanted to do something nice for me. I got me a keeper, I tell you what.
So we go have sushi and we come back here and start surfing the internet, looking at pictures that I've taken of me and other stuff, and we're drinking and talking and laughing and we just had a great night enjoying one another's company.
And then it started.
Your Mother Told You All I Could Give You Was A Reputation
I got up at 5:30 am on Saturday (after being up until after 2:00 a.m.) to take my neighbors, whom I love, to the airport. Got home and got S. out of bed by 7:30 and phoned my mom, who figured I was calling because I was at her gate. When I told her S. was in the shower and we'd be there soon to get her... I got this.
Mom: "Tsssssssssssssssch." (that annoyed noise people make)
Fuck her. So we showed up there at about 8am and very soon S. had her say the first words to him she said that day.
S.: I'm hungry. [Mom], are you hungry?
No, I am not kidding. My mother said "fuck you" to my boyfriend. Who then went into the quickie mart as we got gas, and proceeded to get her a big can of Arizona Iced Tea. And some muffins. And the first thing he did is offer her muffins. After she told him "fuck you" when he mentioned breakfast. So you can imagine that went over well.
Another one or two times between home and Grandma's house he offered her food. I love S. He don't take no shit from my mom.
So my cousin, my drug using bloated poser evil cousin who used to sell drugs to my ex husband clandestinely and who has a new barbiedoll girlfriend, showed up and turns out he's looking like he's lost about 30 pounds. So I think, immediately, "I'm fucked."
S. asks me why and I tell him it's only a matter of time, now that my huge bloated cousin has lost a bunch of weight, before my mom says something to me about how I should be losing weight.
Sure as hell, as I'm helping her wash dishes we have the following conversation:
Mom: Hurry up and get done with this. I just want to leave.
Then, on the way home:
1) When the wind blew the SUV and my mom got jostled from her peaceful nap she said, "Are you driving like that to scare me?"
2) When I was driving 80mph she said, "Don't come up so fast on those people, you never know what's going to fly out in front of you" after 15 people passed me on the right.
3) When I missed the exit to the freeway coming home she said, "You know, if you don't know where we're going and you're driving you should just speak up. I'm sure we would be happy to help you find where you need to go." Of course, I've made this trip five times a year for the last 15 years. So I know.
4) When I tried to turn the music up/on a little bit, she half-shouted, "Hey! You have a passenger back here!"
Love my mom. Love it. Great. Fabulous.
So we get back to my house and we're both so worn out from the day, which was nce enough with my family but insanely not fun with my mom, and we decide we're going to take a one hour nap.
Which turns into a one and a half hour nap. Which turns into a two hour nap. Which turned into almost a three hour nap, when we got up and phoned a friend of ours and met him for more sushi (addicts) and then went to see Pirates of the Carribean.
Now let me tell you what a wonderful man my S. is. In the middle of dinner it starts pouring rain. And the dogs are outside. SO he offers to come home in the middle of dinner and let the dogs in and crate them in case it turned into a thunderstorm, and does so, and leaves me with our (guy) friend at the sushi restaurant to talk and catch up while he's gone. He goes and lets them in (he drove us to dinner) and comes back and we wrap up, hit the road to the theatre... sold out. The 10:10pm showing of Pirates Of The Carribean was sold out.
So, maybe next week on the movie.
We came home last last night and fell asleep on the couch watching a movie, and found ourselves just snuggled up and nestled in each other's arms on the couch. Very nice. Went to bed and I asked if he'd hang on to me a little while we fell asleep and he was kind enough to do that. We woke up late this morning, went and had some Mexican food, I talked to Kristina a little bit on the phone and we went to the mall to get some accessories for S's cell phone. Then we went and picked up some work for me to do, which I did tonight.
And now I miss him again and I've managed to pop my back out.
Had one of those evil back pops where you feel it from your ear to your hip. Ugh. So one arm is sore and one thumb is numb. I'm going to be getting to bed.
Just thought I'd jot a note, but I guess it turned into more of a novel.
Thursday, July 10, 2003
Looks like my Scottsdale neighbor I'm trying to harrass is actually from Tucson. So if that's you, say hi! A Zonie is a Zonie, whether you're from up here or down there. Love to hear from you.
PS: Don't be scared! :) I'm just excited when I see someone new reading and especially if they're from "around here." I know, maybe that makes me a pathetic little goober. Oh well. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
Wednesday, July 09, 2003
Someone's reading from Scottsdale.
Lots and lots and lots.
And lots.
Don't be shy, drop me a note - email me or Yahoo! me or AIM me or MSN me or something!
Always nice to see a new neighbor. At least write something on my Zonkboard and lemme know a little about yourself?
Wont'cha be my neighbor? -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
COOL COOL WATER. There's a McDonalds by where I work. Well, I work downtown in the hoity toity real business part of my city and there's a little bit of everything down here. Homeless people and businesspeople are the ones I usually see on my afternoon treks up the street for an errand for the office. Sometimes on my way back I stop at Starbucks for my afternoon caffeine fix but yesterday, I chose to stop at McDonald's for a "triple thick chocolate shake." Just sounded good, and at 114 degrees in the shade, I was all over it.
I walked in to the McDonald'sl, which was unusually busy at 2:30pm on a Monday. As I walked through the door I heard the lady behind the counter making an awful noise.
Now, I'm used to seeing people who are more than a little insane standing on street corners asking for money or telling me I'm going to burn in hell because I am an evil, evil heathen. But this lady sounded like there was a demon trying to work its way out her nose.
"WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA DAHHHHHHH! WAH DAH!" She was starting to sound like a fog horn.
I couldn't figure out for the life of me what she was doing. One second she's taking this guy's order and the next minute she'd stop, back up, her eyes would flare and she'd make the noise. That noise. Wah. Dah.
I got to the counter and it was my turn, and I was praying she didn't feel the need to spit her demon on me. "Medium chocolate shake, please," I said. "$2.26," she said. Things were going perfectly. She turned around to get the shake and brought it back to the counter. I turned around to go find a big fat straw for my big thick shake.
I looked up at the soda fountain and saw a young punk kid with the blue and white dixie cup that they give you for water at McDonald's, filling it with ice cold Coke. The guy just looked at the screaming demon lady behind the counter, who had not once incidentally in the five minutes I was in McDonald's come out from behind the counter to chase anyone down, beat them senseless, use projectile weaponry on them or draw blood, kind of smirked at her, and as if to dare her -- kept filling his little cup with sweet fizzy ice cold Coke.
He just took his dixie cup of Coke and left.
I'm guessing lots of people use the cups for wa dah -- I mean uh -- for water -- for sodas since there's no repercussion.
Man, at lunch there's a little white haired lady who stands there, gives you out exactly two napkins, one straw, and one ketchup (unless you ask her for more ketchup) and stands vigil over the soda fountain to make sure you don't exceed your allotment of one allowed refill per lunch visit.
Maybe they should have her working at 2pm.
Seriously. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
Insanity. Wasn't I just talking about that?
I've decided computer tech napoleonic prick might be schizophrenic. This from MSN.COM:
Signs Of Schizophrenia
Inability to experience pleasure, which is very common in schizophrenia. The person can no longer enjoy activities that once brought them pleasure, such as playing golf or visiting with friends. This is also a symptom of depression. --- Hmmmmmmm. From what I know about his personal life, this is pretty accurate. Plus based on his need to berate other people or take umbrage against the workings of the world on a daily basis... yeah, that's him.
Lack of emotion, which can lead to few friends or social contacts. The person has little facial expression, poor eye contact, and slowed speech. --- Yep. A total inability to function on a normal social level with people of any age or gender for any length of time, prefers to spend his time alone and quickly grows bored or irritated with any extended contact with people. Bingo.
Problems with job or school performance due to the inability to complete tasks or goals. The person loses motivation to succeed or accomplish goals. --- Goals? What are those? Oh yes, now I remember. If I had to list out how many goals in his life he's reached, I'd have to say either: none, or, "if he is where he is now because this is his goal, that's just pitiful and sad."
Problems focusing or paying attention. The person has problems processing information, which leads to confusion or fragmented thoughts. --- I wish you guys could see some of the conversations I've had with this guy... ADD, OCD, CRS and PIMA (pain in my ass).
Delusions, often involving beliefs such as of being an important person (for example, the President of the United States) or being persecuted (for example, being chased by the CIA or by demons). --- Hmmm. Delusions of being an important person, like perhaps a valuable respected radio personality, or an industry expert, or a valuable technological resource for people? What about the time he told me he was asked to meet with capacitor manufacturers from Taiwan, but of course, that never happened, or that he's working with a law firm on a class action lawsuit, which doesn't seem to be happening? Being persecuted, for example, the idea that ... well, I was going to mention some pretty specific personal information there and I probably shouldn't do that. Let's just say that this guy thinks he's the victim, he's persecuted, and the whole world is out to get him. All the time. That's the root of all his life's problems, you know. The world is just screwed up.
Self-neglect, such as becoming isolated from other people, wearing dirty clothes, or neglecting their untidy, cluttered homes. --- Untidy, cluttered homes? When you have to use a LEAF BLOWER to get rid of the accumulated dirt and dust in your house (and you're a computer tech and you actually fix computers in a house with that much dust), when you drain the swimming pool just so you don't have to deal with it and let the back yard get overgrown with weeds, when your front yard looks like a vacant dirt lot where kids should play baseball... yeah, you might say that.
Yep. He's definitely insane. I've got an insane-o on my hands. Thank god he hasn't messaged me today. I fully expect him to treat me as if nothing happened, which is his standard way of doing things. I will take great pleasure in telling him to kiss my ass.
Prick. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
I mean I am AMAZINGLY fucking pissed.
Idiot computer tech dorkorama ex-friend had to buzz me on Yahoo tonight and say "I was right." He was just buzzing me to rub my nose in some bullshit thing about how he predicted the outcome of the Hacker's Challenge, and how he recorded his radio show on Friday which made him some kind of fucking genius.
I reminded him that our discussion didn't have anything to do with whether or not it was going to fizzle out, and had everything to do with whether or not he called an innocent man a "retarded kid" five times in a public broadcast.
Of course that wasn't the point, and then he told me I was trying to take away his right to free speech.
I swear to god, I think he's on drugs, or I think he's insane, or ... no, I take that back. I KNOW he's insane. I am absolutely, positively certain that that little napoleonic prick is going completely out of his mind. Instead of going to the emergency room on Arizona State healthcare welfare for a 101 fever (wah) and swollen tonsils, he should be fucking checking himself into the psych ward of whatever goddamned hospital will take his broke no insurance having poverty level living in his mom's house practically for free because he's a bankrupt (morally, ethically AND financially) societal leech ass.
The guy has completely lost touch with reality, creates his own little world, and convinces himself that everyone else on the planet is wrong because none of us are like him. He had three people email him and tell him they loved the show! La dee fucking da. I wonder if anyone else he KNOWS heard the show. I wonder if anyone who would have the balls to stand up to him and tell him that he's a RAGING PRICK heard it. Because Mom and Pop America in Podunk, Arkansas who need help with their "hard drive memory" because they can't download an mp3 from KazAa don't exactly count as savvy, intellectual, well-versed internet-using grownups.
He's going to crash and burn, and I will be there to see it, and I will do my best not to laugh.
No, I take that back. I think I might laugh.
I'm blocking him from my Yahoo now. Watch, that's gonna make me the villain.
Oooooo, I'm so mean.
Had half a mind to take out his Yahoo handle and replace it with "prick" or "idiot" and post portions of the conversation here.
I still might.
After all. It would be excercising my right to free speech.
Fucking prick. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
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