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Welcome to my wonderful, terrible, soap opera sit-com world.
Friday, July 30, 2004
We're going camping. We're going to Williams, AZ. We're going with about 40 of our friends. We're going to sleep in a military-issue pup tent. We're going to make a fire. We're going to participate in a drum circle. We're going to do Pagan rituals to celebrate the full (blue) moon and Lughnasadh, a very nifty holiday. And then we're going to come home. To anyone waiting on interview questions from me, you'll have them when I get back. Everyone have a wonderful weekend! -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
Thursday, July 29, 2004
Yesterday was an interesting day. Very trying. Very emotional. I'm not surprised that I got through it, or anything, but I had difficulty finding humor in much of anything. Just one of those days. Had another (glowing) performance review yesterday, and when it came time for me to talk about "how I am doing," I had to slide a letter across the table to my boss giving notice of my resignation. Let me be clear about something. I want to be with my husband. I want to go where he goes. I knew that three months after meeting him (didn't I, M.?) and I have been preparing for this moment for, it seems, a year. That doesn't make it any less hard, any less emotional, any less difficult. How often do you hear someone say, "I don't want to move so I don't have to quit my job"? That's the case with me. While my ties to my husband and my love of our life together are what binds me more strongly to him than to my career path, I have never, EVER been so unhappy to leave a job. I have never, EVER been SO HAPPY with a job. So in between the discussions of "our great adventure" and how good it's going to be for us to really have a "fresh start" to our life together, have a home that is ours, in a place that is ours... I don't want to quit my job. I was relieved to find out that my boss doesn't want me to quit, nor does her boss, nor does his boss, nor does - apparently - just about anyone in the office. I don't want to leave, and they don't want me to leave. So, I'm leaving. This is the time I need to look forward to all the things that are going to happen in Oklahoma. Having our new home. Settling in. Taking care of my husband. He's pointed out that if I don't rush off to get a job, in about a month I'll be waking up to see him off to work and then I can crawl back in bed for a nap. Heh. Sometimes, this love makes us do strange but wonderful things. I know this trip will be a time to grow, a time to branch out, a time to become who we truly can be. Living in the same place for 23 years can stifle a person. It makes your priorities all about stability and stagnancy, and not about growth and adventure. I guess at 34 years old it's time for me to hit another growth spurt. I'm just glad I've got my husband to do it with me. Hey, and I'd bet in Oklahoma, we can "do it"! s3x is teh r0xx0r. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
Did anyone see Barack Obama's speech at the Democratic National Convention? If you didn't, CSpan has a link to the very same speech Barack Obama gave, here - it's using RealPlayer. You can also go see Betsy, as she is the one who seems to have the best link(s) to same that I've found in the last few days. A transcript of his amazing speech is here. Some excerpts that refreshed me, motivated me, gave me goosebumps, are: Tonight, we gather to affirm the greatness of our nation, not because of the height of our skyscrapers, or the power of our military, or the size of our economy. Our pride is based on a very simple premise, summed up in a declaration made over two hundred years ago, "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal. That they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights. That among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness." ... This year, in this election, we are called to reaffirm our values and commitments, to hold them against a hard reality and see how we are measuring up, to the legacy of our forbearers and the promise of future generations. And fellow Americans -- Democrats, Republicans, Independents -- I say to you tonight: we have more work to do. More work to do for the workers I met in Galesburg, Illinois, who are losing their union jobs at the Maytag plant that's moving to Mexico, and now are having to compete with their own children for jobs that pay seven bucks an hour. When we send our young men and women into harm's way, we have a solemn obligation not to fudge the numbers or shade the truth about why they're going, to care for their families while they're gone, to tend to the soldiers upon their return, and to never ever go to war without enough troops to win the war, secure the peace, and earn the respect of the world. Now let me be clear. Let me be clear. We have real enemies in the world. These enemies must be found. They must be pursued and they must be defeated. Go, go now. Watch the speech, read the transcript. Do yourself a favor today. If you're anything like me, it'll rejeuvenate you. Remind you what's important. Even if you take out the Democratic Convention rhetoric about this candidate or that candidate... it's the heartfelt words of Barack Obama that should make a connection with anyone who's proud to be an American... or wishes they could be again. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
Wednesday, July 28, 2004
Thank you Dwayne for responding so quickly to my interview questions!! Everyone should go check out Dwayne's digs, and if you're so inclined, have him interview you! Ah, the once a year blog chain letter that is the interview season... let's see if my other victims feel like playing! ----------- UPDATE: My favorite Hard Core Punk Rock chick has answered her questions also, as has a brave and thoughtful Army Wife. Please, please go and read their answers. A fabulous way to learn about your fellow bloggers. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
July 29, 2004 Ms. Rose's Boss (her title) (where I work) Re: Relocation Notice Dear Rose's Boss, It is with a heavy heart and frankly, with great sorrow that I write this letter. My husband S______ has received firm notice, non-changeable, that we are being transferred to Oklahoma City, OK for his service with the U.S. Air Force. Our final move date has been scheduled by the USAF for September 7, 2004. I must regretfully submit my notice of resignation from (where I work), effective Friday, September 3, 2004. I have never been happier in a position than I have been here at (work). I will miss everyone with all my heart and will always be thankful for the opportunities you provided me. Thank you for believing in me enough to let me grow and take on new responsibilities in my role on your staff. Working with you and with (work)is an achievement I will always be proud of. Should we find ourselves back in Phoenix, I would of course jump at the chance to re-join the team. Please let me know what I can do to make this transition as easy as possible. Most sincerely, Rose -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
Tuesday, July 27, 2004
P.S.: Are you all just a bunch of suddenly shy pussy wusses? NOBODY wanted to play the interview game? I can't believe it... surely someone has just overlooked the opportunity. So, this is your new opportunity. C'mon, someone play! -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
ROLLING TINY BALLS OF NAPKIN PAPER Ugh. I've gained about five pounds. Some of that, of course, is from normal "feminine" things (in other words, I am holding fluids like a water balloon) but some of it is because the recent stress of not knowing exactly what's going on, has made me want to eat more, and want to eat badly. At least I can recognize it. And it could be worse. So, hopefully I'll be able to turn all of that around here in the next, oh, I don't know, 40 days or so. We got our move date. It's not on paper yet but it's damned close. The movers will be here packing up (what's left of) our shit and moving it to Oklahoma City. WE will be packing up sentimentals and valuables that we can't live without, renting a U-Haul Trailer, and pulling the rest of our crap behind us on our way there. September 7-8. So, I suppose that sets the actual timetable in motion. It certainly gives us a whole new perspective on the massive amount of shit that has to be done here before we can actually move. Don't get me wrong, I know we've got it good with the house sale going the way it did. But it's still overwhelming. So, S. is going to head out to Oklahoma City the last week of August or so, and then he's going to fly back here to be here for the movers, and then we're going to drive out together. The plane ticket home is only going to run us around $120 and it'll be worth it to make the trip in one car. And I need to also - right here - extend massive thanks to Asherah and Matt for all of their infinite patience and amazing help so far. Matt and Asherah have been super helpful in terms of helping us try to pick out an area of town that might be better to live in. Looking for somewhere to live when you aren't there to drive the neighborhood, sucks ass. I am hereby accepting any PCS wisdom, relocation wisdom, or Oklahoma wisdom anyone would care to offer. Time is flying! -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
Monday, July 26, 2004
Saw this over on SmashLeigh's blog, and couldn't resist. Had to ask for the interview myself. If you would like to be interviewed, and have no problem answering (truthfully!) some in-depth questions ... in public ... on your blog ... feel free to leave me a comment to that effect with an email and I will email you five questions. You must then post them to your own blog in their entirety and uncensored. And with that, let's begin. Sheesh, Smash, you didn't go easy on me at ALL! 1. What exactly is a googly moogly and what makes it great? Hm. Let's see here. I honestly couldn't tell you WHAT a googly moogly is. I'm sure I've tried to figure it out, and I get a few hits a week from people who are searching for the origins of the phrase, "Great Googly Moogly." I've heard it everywhere from Snicker's commercials to Frank Zappa songs... I think the commonly accepted version of the origin is a lyric in a Frank Zappa tune. I feel more comfortable under the circumstances picturing GGM as an expression, an explitive, an outpouring of my own personal agitation, than an actual noun. Thank you. 2. What is the difference between a fuck and a clusterfuck? Provide examples from your blog. Fuck (n.): A complete asshat. (see Psycho Co-Worker) Fuck (n.): A roll in the hay. (see Husband, see also Losing My Virginity) Fuck! (explitive): An expression. (see "Cheeseandrice!") Fuck (v.): To roll in the hay. (see Starting a Family, see also My Sister Is Pregnant) Clusterfuck (n.): A complete jumbled mess. (see Stupid Shit My Mom Said Today) Clusterfuck (n.): A complete jumbled mess. (see My Ex Employer) Clusterfuck (n.): A complete jumbled mess. (see My First Marriage) Clusterfuck (n.): A complete jumbled mess. (see My Dad: April-June, 2004) 3. If you could give one gift to your Dad (physical or metaphysical), what would it be? I would give my dad the gift of spirituality. He doesn't have any form of God in his life, and I'm sure that's part of why he suffers the way he does. My dad's God is work, my dad's God is money, my dad's God is things and the ability to buy anything he'd like. Unfortunately he's learning the very hard way that, having things and money and being an authority in your community doesn't necessarily make you happy. I truly believe if he had some belief in Deity, however elementary, he would be able to round out his life including finding a loving woman to spend the rest of his days with. 4. What is the nicest thing your husband has ever done for you? Besides marrying me, you mean? Heh. Well, let's see. He shows his love in lots of ways. When I had sunstroke, he sat on the bathroom floor with me while I puked my guts up in the toilet, kept my face wiped, and held my hair out of the vomit. For my 33rd birthday, he took the entire day off work, made me dinner, cleaned the kitchen, met me at the door with a glass of wine, and wouldn't let me lift a finger. Although it worked out where he's as big a sushi addict as I am, he tried his first bites of sushi in order to appease me because he wanted us to be able to go to the sushi restaurant together. He cut two beautiful roses off a rosebush and hung them upside down to dry for me, so the first flowers he ever gave me could stay with me forever. He got up an hour early when he was away at school in Texas, to wake me up on Monday mornings when I had to be at work an hour earlier than normal. And now he's told me that I can take 4-6-8 weeks off before I look for a job after the move, so I can acclimate myself to our new surroundings and settle into the house, and so I can make it feel like our own home. That's pretty huge. It's the little things that matter most. 5. You have mentioned lately the idea of starting a family. What does the ideal family life look like to you personally? Because my family life was NOTHING like what I would consider ideal, I fear that my ideal is probably a lofty goal. So much of the way I perceive an ideal family life is the way we will interact with our children. I want to be able to raise our children in a Pagan household and teach them the things that are fulfilling for S. and myself spiritually, but give them the authority to make their own decisions regarding spirituality when they come of age. I want our children to be able to confide in us - one of us or both of us - and never fear coming to us with serious issues, problems, troubles, or any thoughts, good or bad. I want our children to always know they are loved for who they are, no matter what they weigh, how long their hair is, what they look like... but at the same time I want them to care about themselves enough to take care of their bodies and minds, and to excel at the things they love. And just so it doesn't sound like I'm a complete patchouli-smelling hippie, I want to be able to give my children consistent structure and discipline so they understand the importance of living up to their own potential, doing well in school, being honest, upstanding, tolerant people... all the qualities I believe make up a "good person." Aside from that, obviously an ideal family life involves parents who don't divorce, and an atmosphere where all family members understand that living life within the family is a series of compromises and rewards, and should not be a series of arguments and fights. I'd love my children to trust me as much as I trust my husband. I'd love my husband to trust my children as much as he trusts me. And I hope to trust all members of my family the way I hope to be trusted by them. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
Friday, July 23, 2004
Dear psycho co-worker, I know you and I haven't spoken recently about your many completely maniacal personality traits. However, today you crossed the line and I feel the need to explain exactly how stupid you are. Buckle up. Everyone in the office is aware that you would rather be a housewife/homemaker than here at work with the rest of us peons. After all, we have to listen to you brag about the size of your bathroom, how immaculate your home is, your amazing luxury SUV, and other possessions and acquisitions that have come along since your divorce from your well-off husband. The fact that you feel the need - almost compulsively - to clean the kitchen, wipe down counters, clean up meeting rooms, re-stock beverages, and follow others around nit-picking them incessantly, is our biggest clue. You want to be "The Mom," instead of the co-worker. The unfortunate part about the scenario is, you are in fact a complete and total idiot. Check this out, Ms. Clean: Have you ever heard of botulism? Salmonella? E-coli? Then why today, when we went out to lunch, did you have to completely gross me out? When we sat down at the table, which was not wiped down yet from the folks before us, I knew they were going to come and clean it off. So I sat patiently with my hands in my lap rather than touching the disgusting germy table. When the waitress came by with her clammy wet kitchen rag to wipe it down, any normal, rational human being would have realized that her rag was not a +3 Rag Of Antibacterial Antimicrobial Death. No, it was probably, in fact, a -5 Slop Towel of Germ Incubation. That cold, slimy thing hit the table with a *splorp* and although the server wiped and wiped, shit and slime just got smeared around the table. Pretty much like it is at any inexpensive restaurant that doesn't have a white tablecloth. So like I said - normal people would UNDERSTAND that. Oh no, not you! Not the Neat Freak! Not the anal-retentive "my pantry is arranged in alphabetical order" how-dare-the-dog-get-on-the-couch SuperAmazingHouseWife. No, instead not only do you LAY your ARMS on the slimy wet table... oh, would that you had only stopped there... but you also unwrapped your silverware from its napkin and set your fork and knife on the pool of primordial sludge. And even at that point I may have overlooked your transgressions. Until. Oh, god. When your lunch (Cheeseburger, medium well, dry, tomatoes and lettuce on the side) showed up, you decided you had to be dainty and cut your burger in half. With the knife. That had been sitting in the lake of germs. You're. Fucking. Kidding. Me. Right about that time, I was starting to feel a little woozy. Until you realized you didn't have room to actually cut through your burger on the plate until the fries got pushed around... so you took your fingers, which had touched the table and the knife which had lain in the lake of germs, and you carefully lifted the burger and its bun, and put it down. On the table. Directly on the table. Upside-down. Top bun on the bacteria festival. No napkin, no small plate, no holding it in one hand while you shoved fries around with your other hand... you put your burger ON THE FUCKING TABLE. Then you took your disgusting hands and shoved your french fries around on the plate, picked up the burger, put it back on the plate, and finished cutting it with the WMD that was your silverware, making sure to squish, shove and grind any anthrax that may be hanging out on top of the bun, deep into the medium-well burger. It is for this very reason that I inform you today, I better never hear you complain about someone leaving a napkin on the lunch table or splattering something in the kitchen sink. That's just gross. I think I puked a little in my mouth. Disgusted, Rose -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
Thursday, July 22, 2004
I SAID TOO MUCH AGAIN My husband has been reading my blog, as he does from time to time. And last night over dinner he had this observation to make. "Babe, some days you write about this move like it's a good thing, or the best thing ever... and some days you write about it like it's the worst fucking thing that could ever happen, ever." In retrospect, this is true. No, no, not true that I write about it LIKE IT IS the best or worst thing... it's true that, depending on the day, it IS the best thing or the worst thing. There is no "like" about it. For example, for about half the day yesterday, this move was the worst motherfucking thing that ever fucking happened to me in my whole fucking life, fucking ever. (Was that my outside voice?) And then today, after carefully evaluating the budgetary consequences of the move when coupled with the sale of our house and the cost of living difference between Arizona and Oklahoma, and after spending some time in front of the computer perusing apartment complexes, today the move seems like a pretty darned great thing. So. If that makes me a psycho, at least today I'm a happy psycho. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
Wednesday, July 21, 2004
Wow. That was a fantastic, fantastic, FANTASTIC evening of fun and excitement, surprises and some serious getting-down. (Amber, if you get the chance to catch this tour, DO IT.) Hit home about 6pm to find that Boomer, our funky big-eared one-puppy-left, had gotten out of the yard when the guy was there to trim the palm trees and my wonderful neighbor had run down the street after him to bring him home. So, today Boomer will stay inside (which he will appreciate since it's fucking going to be fucking 113 today) and the rest of the palm tree trimmings will be removed from the yard. Made sure Boomer was tucked away and hit the road and a drive-thru on the way. Snarfed 'dinner' in the car on the road to beautiful Cricket Pavilion on the west side of this beautiful Valley of ours. For those of you unaware of the musical venue climate in Phoenix, Cricket Pavilion is an outdoor concert venue. Outdoor. As in, it's 105 degrees, pull up a seat on the grass, outdoor. But that's okay... clear back in February or March when this show was announced, we decided we couldn't afford to go. So. With Maroon 5 being one of S.'s favorite bands (and definitely his "new favorite band") and John Mayer being my secret musical love toy, it was an amazing experience to be able to go. For free, even. A good friend of mine has a good friend (-slash-girlfriend???) who is on staff at a large radio station here in Phoenix. That's how we ended up with the tickets, which were extra promo tickets that just didn't get given away. So, said friend and his daughter met S. and I at the stadium and we got ready to go inside. S. even got interviewed for the 10pm news, although we decided his footage definitely ended up on the cutting room floor. I think the interviewer saying, "Wow, you're quite an exciting guy," when S. stood there nearly silent, was the big clue there. (For the record, they jumped us while we were waiting in line to be frisked.) So. Our generous benefactor showed up ready to go in with us and brought S. and I another envelope. She handed it to us and said, "This is for you guys to use before the big day," meaning our move-day. She asked us to open it "later." "Later" ended up right after we got situated on the lawn before the show... and the envelope was full of gift certificates to a few different restaurants around town which, frankly, we never would have been able to afford to eat at just for fun. We couldn't believe it. I still need to send her a thank you card or something amazing, because she really didn't have to do something so fabulous. We basically have three (large) dinners at three (great) places in town, now. Like, even should dress up to go to at least one of 'em, great. Yum. Yay. Maroon 5 took the stage at about 8:30pm. Their set was not only complete (it was basically the whole album, "Songs About Jane,") but it was musically nearly perfect. Not a lot of improv-ing or ad-libbing involved, but for a band that's just started getting radio airplay this year, they needed to stick with the familiar. They did a fabulous job though, and we were both surprised to find the lead singer is also the lead guitarist (and man, could he play). Five guys, two guitars, one bass, one keyboard, one drummer. S. was definitely not disappointed. Well, he was disappointed in the asshats who stood up in front of us fucking around and not paying attention to Maroon 5 anyway and basically keeping us from seeing the stage for 3/4 of the show... but that's another story. After another short break, John Mayer took the stage complete with full band. He started off with a newer song from his album "Heavier Things,", rolled back into some cuts off of Room for Squares, bounced back to the new album, had a throwback to "Inside Wants Out," (two, actually)... and his set had a completely different feel than the Maroon 5 set. First of all, has anyone ever noticed that John Mayer has constant "retarded music guy" face? His music just completely takes him over. He gives himself to the music. That was something I was looking forward to - the giving himself to the music, not the retarded music guy face - but as he came out, he said the following: "I had a really bad day today. People all over just pissed me off today. It was a bad day. So the thing about coming out here and playing music is, every night it's the same music. We play the same stuff. But when you have a good day, it's a celebration... and when you have a bad day, it's a release. So let's all try to meet in the middle tonight, okay?" That set the tone for a fabulous set. He was releasing, and so were we (S. and I didn't have the greatest day, kind of stressful). I was dancing in my seat (chairdancing on the rental lawnchairs) and singing along, clapping... John's set was more like a bluesy jam session than anything you'd recognize from the radio. He did some radio faves but he aded a whole new dimension to them. We had no idea he was such an amazing guitarist, and S. - since he's a guitar player - kept leaning over and saying, "Did you see him do that? Wow, that's hard. Jeez, that was great." At one point, John interrupted one of the band's long jazzy rifts and said, "We have now crossed the R.A. line. For those of you who don't know, the R.A. line is the Reviewer Acceptance line. That means you'll read about us in the paper tomorrow, and you'll find out we are longwinded and self indulgent." Then they went right back to jamming. It was a good thing. Gotta love someone who's not afraid to take themselves less-than-seriously. Then, as a deference to a time when music was about speaking your mind (John Mayer is oldschool), he and the band gave us a fabulous rendition of Marvyn Gaye's Inner City Blues. The way they do my life, this ain't livin'. Overall, the evening was full of great music. The weather was really not that bad, as it got down to probably the mid to low 90's under the stars with a light breeze. My throat is a little sore this morning from all the singing, but that's okay. It's a small price to pay to have an evening with both my husband and my musical crush. John Mayer, author of what may possibly be the very best lovesong ever... Somethin' 'bout the way the hair falls in your face I love the shape you take when crawling towards the pillowcase You tell where to go and - though I might leave to find it I'll never let your head hit the bed without my hand behind it. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
Tuesday, July 20, 2004
S. got orders today. I am both relieved and saddened. I am released and I am stressed out. It's great but it sucks. He's working on finding out the length of the housing waiting list (we can be put on the list on the 30th) and getting ready to set a moving appointment. At the very least he's going to be heading to OKC and then will come back when it's time for me to move. Urgh. In other news -- S. and I get to go see John Mayer and Maroon 5 tonight! Free! On the house, y'all! A friend came up with 2 tickets and offered them to us free of charge. I think it's an excellent way to spend an evening. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
PEOPLE SHOULD GET BEAT UP FOR STATING THEIR BELIEFS My teeth hurt. A little over a week ago, maybe a week and a half or so, I chipped one of my top front teeth. Not a chip anyone could see, it was actually kind of on the BACK of the tooth. But it was enough that I could feel it with my tongue, and it was making me CRAZY. So, I went to the dentist and he took his little polishing wheel, and polished it. Now I have a whole new problem. Your mouth is a very sensitive area and your tongue is very "curious." Every little bump, every little gnash, every little everything, your tongue can feel all of it! Every tiny difference from tooth to tooth... your tongue gets to know those bumps and planes by memory and then you just don't notice them. Until there's a change. Like the one I have now. Urgh. The tooth that was polished to get the chip out, is SLIGHTLY shorter than it was. This means it is SLIGHTLY shorter than my other teeth. Now. You can't see it, it's not something anyone would notice, I've even made S. look into my mouth and tell me if he could see anything. But my tongue can feel it, and my TEETH know it, because when I bite down there's more pressure on the one (longer) tooth and less pressure on the (shorter) tooth. Which means not only is my tongue going 25 miles an hour feeling the damned smoothed out spot, but my bottom teeth hurt a little bit because they are NOW clunking on the tooth that DIDN'T get polished. For no fucking reason. The dentist assures me that I will get back to normal and soon I will treat my tooth issue as normal, standard issue, and that my tongue will memorize all the new surfaces and planes, and that my teeth will get used to "fitting together" the way they do, and then I won't even notice any of it. Bleah. In the meantime I'm clunking and grinding... and frankly, I think I might be grinding my teeth a little at night (symptom of my meds) which is adding to the sensation on my teeth anyway (time for me to start wearing my sexeh, sexeh, sexeh mouthguard to bed). Bah. So. I'm in tooth hell. Anyone want to join me? -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
Monday, July 19, 2004
From Minnesota Diva: I will be struck down by a meteor! ![]() How will you die? Take the Exotic Cause of Death Test -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
1 - This is how many computers S. built for my mom this weekend. 3 - This is how many pitchers of beer we had (as a group) while throwing darts with friends. 0 - This is how many games of darts I won. 10 - This is how many GOOD Karaoke singers there were at the bar on Saturday night. 20 - This is how many hours our air conditioner didn't work this weekend. 107 - This is how fucking hot it was while our air conditioner didn't work this weekend. 3 - This is how many hours we were at my mom's on Sunday afternoon waiting for the A/C guy to come. 45 - This is how many minutes it took for the A/C guy to fix our unit. 4 - This is how many hours I slept Saturday night without A/C. 6 - This is how many hours I slept after the A/C got fixed, although I'm still tired and could have tacked on another six without even thinking about it. 0 - This is how many chores I did this weekend. For reals. Which means I've got a busy weeknight ahead of me tonight. What are the great numbers of YOUR weekend? -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
Thursday, July 15, 2004
(Butt Trumpet lyric, and a great song to boot) So. I paid $1.88 per gallon for gas today, and I felt like I won the fucking lottery. What's up with that? A year ago if I had paid $1.88 for gas, I'd think I was getting ass-raped. Bleah. I hear gas is about $0.25 a gallon less in Oklahoma. I also hear S. is going to have his orders next week. I also hear that I'm going to close on my house towards the end of August. Eye on the prize, eye on the prize, eye on the prize. I can't wait. Debt-free, new town, new people... and when I get the kind of job I know I can get... we'll be making so much money it won't matter if we end up pregnant with TWINS the first time out. I can't wait. I honestly can't wait. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
I'm going in to work early today because we are once again surrounded by babies. B.'s wife just gave birth to her baby yesterday, which is about a week ahead of schedule. T. is barely back to a normal work schedule after giving birth to her beautiful baby. K can't have a baby conversation without talking about how she can't wait to be pregnant again. And TS is bringing in her new adopted daughter. She went to China a few weeks ago and picked up the new love of her life, a 9 month old beautiful little girl. While there are and will continue to be some adjustment issues (she's malnourished, isn't used to stimulus, isn't used to a lot of people, and sleeps ALL THE TIME because she was only taken out of her crib once a day in China), they have high hopes for her. We've seen pictures. She's adorable. So, a select few of us know they're going into work prior to the actual start of the "work day," so there won't be a lot of noise, clatter, or screeching women doing that thing-they-do-with-babies and making babytalk noises. What IS that, anyway? Couple that with the fact that my sister is coming here and bringing our niece and nephew, whom I haven't seen since Christmas... and I'm surrounded, once again, by babies. I didn't get the "baby bug" when I was younger. There was a time when I was younger I honestly didn't think I wanted to have children. I figured they'd be too much work. They'd keep me from doing the things I REALLY wanted to do like travel the world or take long vacations or afford a nice house or something. While I knew they could fill my heart and my life with joy, I also thought they'd fill my life with extra work. It's not like you can have your kids and then just one day decide not to have them any more, and send them off to live with someone else... you can't just return them to the hospital and say, "Gosh, this isn't what I planned on. I'm going to have to return these." So, for a while, I figured I'd be content with spoiling my nieces, nephews, and friends' children rotten, working them up, getting them all excited, and then handing them back (and running, fleeing, quickly the other direction.) I was going to be the coolest Aunt ever. I even married a man who wasn't certain he wanted children, because he had been married to a bipolar, borderline personality disorder, OCD, drug-using, chemically-dependent, can't-work-so-i-want-the-world-to-support-me bitch, and she had soured him on the whole experience. She refused to work outside the home (or inside the home, which looked like a tornado had hit it 24/7), stating that her mental and emotional disabilities should be enough to qualify her for ACTUAL GOVERNMENT DISABILITY - she was 22 years old and collecting Social Security to the tune of nearly $9,000 per year because she was "unable to work." She sat home, consumed her cocktail of psychotropic medications, lived off other peoples' drama, and was - in general - a pig. He couldn't imagine procreating with her (although she wanted children) because he knew she wouldn't be a good mother due to her serious mental and emotional problems, and couldn't imagine having to support a family while she was draining the bank account dry on all her own selfish and petty wants and desires. How could she possibly be trusted to take care of children, if she couldn't even participate in normal, everyday adult life? It was, overall, a bad situation, and one that had left him quite sour on the thought of having a family. (I can sympathize with his feelings, as that's one of the reasons I did not allow myself to get pregnant with my first husband, who was also a societal leech, couldn't hold a job, emotionally underdeveloped, selfish, child-like, and a drug addict.) So let's recap. I thought I was okay with not having babies, and my husband thought he was okay with not having babies. And then something clicked. In the last six months, we've both been talking about starting a family. The "when" and "where" have been discussed, since we obviously have quite a bit of experience with the "how." So, I no longer dread the days where I am surrounded by babies. Now, it's something I know is within my reach, and I know I'm going to be a mom - and a good one - soon. (no, not pregnant yet, waiting til we get PCS'ed) So. I see your evil, mind-controlling babies, and I say to you - yea, verily - bring it on. I'm ready. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
Wednesday, July 14, 2004
It poured rain here last night. No wait, strike that. It shot huge bolts of lightning across the sky, had winds strong enough to bend our palm trees, thunder so close and loud that the whole house shook. And it poured rain here last night. Monsoon season is upon us, and it's my least favorite time of year. Sticky and humid, hot as hell, it was 102 degrees and pouring rain here at my house last night at about 10:30pm. Ugh. Yuck. So another day, another dollar. Last night was a great evening... talked for about 25 minutes on the phone to my dad from Mexico, he's doing great and feeling healthy, and he actually told me he loves me. It's amazing what happens when a drunk dries out. Oh! Did I tell you that a couple of the guys involved with the GANG that was threatening my dad (and beat the crap out of him) during that whole mess, got arrested? Turns out one of 'em had killed some other kid when he was younger but didn't get tried as an adult and had multiple assault charges against him, and another one was out of prison after serving a term for drugs. They both had police records in California and Washington, plus Alaska, and one of 'em even had charges against him from Hawaii. They also told us that they were members of one of the largest gangs in Alaska, and one of the most dangerous gangs in the U.S. So, glad to see the criminals getting what they deserve. I'm just so glad to see that whole thing go away. Glad I don't have to type about it any more. It definitely makes me feel better to know I can trust in "The System" to deal with the fuckwits who think they're above the law. It's real simple. There's right, and there's wrong. Knowing they're paying the price for what they did is like a load being lifted. But to all who were here for that awful time, thank you for sticking by me. So! On to nicer and better things! Hubby and I each had a glass of honey wine and some soup last night and talked late into the evening. We smiled. And laughed. I can't think of how long it's been since we really were able to loosen up like that. I tell you what, the hits just keep coming. But in a GOOD way this time, not in a bad way! Thank you God/dess, for giving us this amazing life turnaround. Just happy to be here, and hope I can help The Team. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
Tuesday, July 13, 2004
MY OH MY, WHAT A WONDERFUL DAY Ladies and gentlemen, today was absolutely FABULOUS. Get up a little late, S. has got coffee made and poured for me, and it's waiting at my desk. A kiss good morning and some overnight email, and my day's on its way. Leave early from home, get to work early, get a great parking place! I get upstairs and find that a meeting I didn't want to go into wasn't going to happen, so I didn't have to go. That freed me up to do other things that needed to be done. Complimented by my boss, complimented by two VP's, and heading into lunch things couldn't be going much better than that. Lunchtime! Went to one of my favorite places with my boss, co-worker, and M., and had a great lunch. Even the walk wasn't too bad, although the Crazy Screaming Christian was out on the corner doing his thing. I think the best thing I've ever heard him say, he said today: "RELIGION IS NOT FROM GOD!! RELIGION IS FROM SATAN!! Amen, brother. Get back to work, everything's going along fine, and we have a meeting to discuss my salary situation for the coming year. And as if things couldn't get any better, I got a 5% raise. That's "exceptional." And then just when I thought it couldn't get better than THAT, I was told it's retroactive to July 1! And THEN when I thought THAT couldn't get any better, on my July 30 paycheck I am also going to have a (big) BONUS! And THEN! Just when I thought THAT couldn't get any better! Talked to a friend in Mexico who says my dad is there and looks great and is having a ball in Mexico. AND THEN! Got home - Hubby meets me at the door with a smile, a hug and a kiss (and is still in his BDU's, yum) and tells me he's got a bottle of Chocolate-Strawberry Honey Meade chilling in the freezer, so as soon as it's nice and cold I'm going to have a tall, cool cocktail! And corn on the cob. Oh, and soup, since Safeway had my favorite soup today at the "hot soup bar." AND THEN! IT WAS ON SALE! FOR HALF PRICE! MY FAVORITE SOUP! And THEN! Tonight, I am going over the final details on the contract of the SALE of our HOUSE, which is going to net us enough cash to pay off all our debts plus put away a great deal of money for a downpayment on a new house somewhere down the road. Cheeseandrice. I wish I had stopped off to buy a Powerball ticket. Or a Lotto ticket. Or maybe we should just hurry back to Vegas. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
Ah, Phoenix. It's 89 degrees, 46% humidity, and it's 6:30 a.m. What a wonderful world it is. I'm feeling pretty good today. Yesterday, despite a plethora of fuckwits, (on the road, in the parking lot, getting breakfast, on the phone, at lunch, in the elevator, in meetings, on the drive home, et al), I had a fabulous day. Actually found myself LAUGHING at the asshats, which is probably the best side of the bed to wake up on. I don't see that changing, finally! And, today is probably going to be a GREAT day (meeting about my 'salary adjustment' today). So anyway, I heard this song yesterday as I was driving home and it hit home, so thought I'd post it. Things are turning around, falling into place, working out exactly as they should... it's a good feeling that NOBODY can take away. Thanks for stickin' around. ------- Days Like This -- Van Morrison ---------- When it's not always raining there'll be days like this When there's no one complaining there'll be days like this When everything falls into place like the flick of a switch Well my mama told me there'll be days like this. When you don't need to worry there'll be days like this When no one's in a hurry there'll be days like this When you don't get betrayed by that old Judas kiss Oh my mama told me there'll be days like this. When you don't need an answer there'll be days like this When you don't meet a chancer there'll be days like this When all the parts of the puzzle start to look like they fit Then I must remember there'll be days like this When everyone is up front and they're not playing tricks When you don't have no freeloaders out to get their kicks When it's nobody's business the way that you wanna live I just have to remember there'll be days like this When no one steps on my dreams there'll be days like this When people understand what I mean there'll be days like this When you ring out the changes of how everything is Well my mama told me there'll be days like this Oh my mama told me There'll be days like this Oh my mama told me There'll be days like this Oh my mama told me There'll be days like this Oh my mama told me There'll be days like this -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
Well. I had hoped to spend some time at home last night hanging out, surfing the 'net, not doing a whole lot of anything, but those plans changed mid-day. S. and I went over to my mom's because she was feeling a little lonely. So we came home, put the dog in the house (monsoon, ya know) and headed over there with our copy of "Daredevil" in hand (she'd never seen it). (Yes, we own it, shut up.) Got a little bit of a late start by the time we picked up dinner and headed over there. My mom, true to form, fell asleep somewhere about halfway through the movie. I heard her snoring and would tap on the couch or arm or whatever, and she'd SNORT herself awake. "I'm not sleeping!" "Wait, who's that guy?" "How did they get there?" Ugh. By the time we got home it was almost 10pm, and then we were having a little issue with our internet. Everything appears to be back in order now. And of course, waking up this morning, I'm tired as hell. When my routine gets all caddywhompus like that, it drains the life right out of me. Can I take a nap? -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
Monday, July 12, 2004
Good morning, all. This morning came much quicker than I'd hoped, but at the same time I'm quite glad the weekend is over with. We spent Saturday in northern Arizona with my grandma, for her 86th birthday. It wasn't a fancy affair, but was nice nonetheless. Got to see a bunch of family for what might be the last time before "THE BIG MOVE." Of course, they all SWEAR that we'll just HAVE TO get together before we leave for Oklahoma, but sometimes getting my family together is like pulling teeth. I'm just not sure what the likelihood of it all is. In other news, it was hot as fuck here this weekend, so we stayed inside like hermits for most of it. It was "only" 100 degrees in Cottonwood. Urgh. For most of the day on Sunday, we just did laundry, washed dishes, changed sheets, vacuumed. Sunday was the day for cleaning up. The rental realtor came for a walk-through in the evening and said everything looked great - which hopefully means the buyer is going to be able to get what she wants for the house, for rent. Another bonus. When we were in Cottonwood, we went to the farm and picked up a dozen ears of corn, picked that morning. Best corn in the world. So last night for dinner, we had corn on the cob. That's it, just corn on the cob. I know it doesn't sound like the most nutritious dinner on the planet, but it made up for the lack of nutrition by being amazingly and totally yummy. We still have seven ears left. Yum. So now, another day another dollar and I'm back to work as is S. It's payday again already this week, which is cool. Supposedly, our bonuses are going to come on this paycheck and possibly our raises. We can certainly use it. At this rate, we're going to start our life in Oklahoma debt-free. I can't even imagine it, and I KNOW S. can't imagine it. I'm sure we'll find a way to muddle through. It's all karma. What goes around, comes around. Good things happen to good people. It's nice to finally see some things going our way. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
Sunday, July 11, 2004
A couple things on the sidebar were hanging up the whole works this morning. Hopefully this works fine 'til the problems get resolved. Thanks. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
Friday, July 09, 2004
Well, the friend who's buying our house gave me a call last night. She's moving right along and might be able to close by the middle of August. She's quite determined to get it up and ready to rent. So she's making arrangements for someone to start coming by during the days and working in the back yard, trimming down some Oleanders (these huge green bushes that grow around the border of our yard) and getting/keeping the yard green. She's also going to hire a pool service to come by and take care of that. We just have to get the house cleaned up and ready for (1) an appraiser and (2) a realtor to come by here - the realtor is a personal friend of hers and just wants to take a look at the house so she can have an idea of how much it could rent for. She's told me that she isn't going to have a home inspection (because there really isn't anything wrong with the house that's not standard age stuff) and that she's not going to require a disclosure statement, but we did have a discussion about some of the little things that need to be fixed around here (which we were going to try to fix ourselves in the next month). She insists that she'll just have someone fix those things. She says she wants to make it as easy as possible on us and cause us the least possible stress. She's either a super nice person (which she is) or thinks she's getting a great deal on my house (which she does, and which she probably is). I didn't believe her when she told me houses in my area were selling for $20k more than she wants to pay me for mine, but I got an email newsletter this a.m. that showed a house just up the street - I drive by it every day - on a lot half the size of my house, which is five years older than my house, which is the same square footage as my house, which sold for close to what she's offered me for mine. My house has the biggest lot in the neighborhood (it's on a cul-de-sac and has a "piece of pie" shaped lot) so that would/will be a premium in terms of value. So anyway, S. and I have come to the frustrating but happy conclusion that we have to get off the stick and get the house cleaned and also start getting ready to move. We do things here and there, we get started, we have grand plans, but now we just have to get it done. Period. In other news, have you tried the new "low-carb Coke," C2? Let me spare you. It's everything I hate about Coke and everything I hate about Diet Coke in the same beverage. It's way too sweet just like regular Coke is, but then after you swallow it you get a nasty saccharin-bitter artificial sweetener aftertaste. Bleah. Kind of like if you were at a soda fountain and filled your cup with half Coke, and half Diet Coke. Actually, that's exactly what it tastes like. Notsomuch. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
Thursday, July 08, 2004
Last night on MSNBC, I heard a buzz on a political discourse program about an "important" news article that was "sweeping the country." We caught only the tail end of the discussion, but it was enough to come to the conclusion that the Bush administration is quite unnerved about whatever was in the article.
Today, I found the article. Link from This Is The Shit, a multi-author political blog that's a permanent resident of my blogroll. The article, which was published in The New Republic Online and will be in the next issue of New Republic, lists some pretty scary facts, accusations, and perspectives. Not only was I disgusted with the OTHER article I read today about the increased terror warning (Look out! The terrorists are going to attack us! They want to influence the outcome of the election in November by attacking the U.S. to sour popular opinion on the current Republican Administration, so John Kerry could get elected. Because terrorists hate GWB and they love John Kerry!) (jesuschrist, what a load of bullshit) ... but then I had to read this one. I highly recommend it to everyone. Here's some highlights. This spring, the administration significantly increased its pressure on Pakistan to kill or capture Osama bin Laden, his deputy, Ayman Al Zawahiri, or the Taliban's Mullah Mohammed Omar, all of whom are believed to be hiding in the lawless tribal areas of Pakistan. ... [Now wait. It gets even better. This doesn't sound so bad, right? c'mon, Pakistan, let's find the evil motherfuckers who flew planes into the World Trade Center. Right? Read on...] This public pressure would be appropriate, even laudable, had it not been accompanied by an unseemly private insistence that the Pakistanis deliver these high-value targets (HVTs) before Americans go to the polls in November. ... [What's that you say? The President wants these guys caught so he can look good in the elections, you say? Nah, you don't say!] The New Republic has learned that Pakistani security officials have been told they must produce HVTs by the election. (emphasis added) According to one source in Pakistan's powerful Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), "The Pakistani government is really desperate and wants to flush out bin Laden and his associates after the latest pressures from the U.S. administration to deliver before the [upcoming] U.S. elections." Introducing target dates for Al Qaeda captures is a new twist in U.S.-Pakistani counterterrorism relations--according to a recently departed intelligence official, "no timetable[s]" were discussed in 2002 or 2003--but the November election is apparently bringing a new deadline pressure to the hunt. (emphasis added) ... [Ah, the Conservative Quagmire. Is anyone surprised?] A third source, an official who works under ISI's director, Lieutenant General Ehsan ul-Haq, informed tnr that the Pakistanis "have been told at every level that apprehension or killing of HVTs before [the] election is [an] absolute must." What's more, this source claims that Bush administration officials have told their Pakistani counterparts they have a date in mind for announcing this achievement: "The last ten days of July deadline has been given repeatedly by visitors to Islamabad and during [ul-Haq's] meetings in Washington." (emphasis added) Says McCormack: "I'm aware of no such comment." But according to this ISI official, a White House aide told ul-Haq last spring that "it would be best if the arrest or killing of [any] HVT were announced on twenty-six, twenty-seven, or twenty-eight July"--the first three days of the Democratic National Convention in Boston. Well, smack my ass and call me Sally. You're kidding. The President wants them to SANDBAG information, should they actually CAPTURE the evil motherfuckers, they want them to HOLD ON TO IT UNTIL THE DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION IS ON TV? What the fuck is that? To take the emphasis off the Convention? Off of Kerry/Edwards? Cheeseandrice, people. If this is real - read the article to form your own opinions about it - then how can anyone possibly believe the Bush administration would NOT do anything they have to do to influence or shut down the election? Anything to stay in office! The priority here is re-election! Not the safety and security of the country, oh no, we want TV ratings!! Unbelievable. Absolutely fucking disgusting. Desperate times call for desperate measures. I just hope the electorate of this country keeps WAKING UP and realizing just how much wool has been pulled over all of our eyes. Maybe it'll piss the populus off enough to vote for change. Kerry/Edwards 2004. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
This is SO unlike me. But I've seen a few of these today that I just can't keep my little fingers away from. This one courtesy of Antisocial Bitch. ![]() Discover your Zodiac Personality @ Quiz Me Now interestingly enough, that IS my Zodiac sign. But I had a couple of the questions that I could have picked "either/or" on one of the answers, so I went back and did it again, changing up the answers that I had trouble deciding on. Then I got this: ![]() Discover your Zodiac Personality @ Quiz Me Here's where it gets interesting. I am an Aquarius with Virgo rising. Not kidding. Hot-cha. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
I have so many things I want to write about, and I can't seem to find the time to write about even one of them in depth.
So, there you have it. That's all the crap I wanted to type about today but I haven't had the chance to type any one of them out completely. Maybe I'll have more time to write tomorrow. Shyeah. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
Wednesday, July 07, 2004
Courtesy of Mikey, I took this personality quiz. Here's what it had to say about me: Wackiness: 34/100 Rationality: 30/100 Constructiveness: 66/100 Leadership: 14/100 You are an SECF--Sober Emotional Constructive Follower. This makes you a hippie. You are passionate about your causes and steadfast in your commitments. Once you've made up your mind, no one can convince you otherwise. Your politics are left-leaning, and your lifestyle choices decidedly temperate and chaste. You do tremendous work when focused, but usually you operate somewhat distracted. While you normally endeavor on the side of goodness and truth, you have a massive mean streak which is not to be taken lightly. You don't get mad, you get even. -------------- Well. How about that? -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
I was reading Shanna yesterday, and she made a great point (scroll down) about this strange 'movement' that is making its way through American politics and is trickling down to even the little people. The division between Conservative and Liberal in this country is deeper, wider, and less productive than it has ever been. As a result, there are extremists on both sides of the fence that have lowered the discussion of political differences to an all-time low. While I'll admit that there are Liberals who are just as bad as Conservatives, for the purpose of this post I'm going to focus on the Conservative movement and the latest slam. Because we're in a time of war, it's very easy for people who back the President to suggest that those who DON'T back the President aren't patriotic, or are even traitorous. It's quite a bandwagon to jump on, actually. "You don't support our Military," they will say. "The Commander in Chief has made these decisions and I'm behind our servicemen/women," they will say. I've got some news for you. Disagreeing with the President, not liking the President and his policies (foreign and domestic), and not agreeing with this Administration's war to invade and occupy Iraq without a clearly delineated, valid threat... all of these are rights that I have as a citizen of the United States. Speaking my mind politically, challenging my leaders, questioning authority, these are RIGHTS and PRIVILEGES and RESPONSIBILITIES that come from being a Citizen of the USA. And the last time I checked, MY HUSBAND as a member of the United States Air Force, has a job to protect those very rights, privileges, and responsibilities. It's not about protecting Free Speech but only for the people who are "on your side." It's not about berating people and calling them unpatriotic or traitorous (or even stupid, retarded, ignorant, or what-have-you). The difference is, these Conservatives are learning this route from the current Administration. Free Speech Zones. Protest the President if you want, but you'll do it six blocks away in a fenced-off area where no one has to see you. You aren't allowed to protest the President near the White House, the Capitol, or anywhere that he bothers to travel. The only people who can see the President when he lands at the airport are those who are chanting his name and carrying "yay Bush" signs. Of course, you can also risk being considered a "terrorist threat" for your opinions, or you could even go to jail! Yeah, that's the kind of freedoms this country is founded on! So the new Conservative leaning is to paint anyone who isn't supportive of the President as Un-american. How many times have you heard or read THIS in the last few days? "If you don't like it, pack your shit and move to another country." "We all have to be behind Our President to show our support for the Troops!" There's a lot more hate that gets spewed out, so much that it's not worth going into here. So I wanted to let everybody know that there are many HIGHLY patriotic individuals in and related to the Armed Forces that don't like President Bush, don't like the War in Iraq, disagree with his policies (foreign and domestic) and will be voting for Kerry/Edwards in 2004 in an effort to instigate change. Servicemen/women around the world AND their spouses are just as unhappy as the Average Joe in the USA. Here's men and women who lay their lives on the line and do their job out of service to this Country. Who don't like the President. Gasp! You don't say! It can't be! Does anyone really want to stand up to active duty military and their spouses and tell THEM that they're traitorous? That they're not patriotic? That they aren't behind the men and women of the military? That they don't want to be part of this Country? Yeah, that's us. A big fucking bunch of terrorists. How dare I speak out about the President and his policies? How dare I suggest I might vote for the (gasp) liberal or Democratic candidate in the upcoming election? Heavens to Betsy! That's just Unamerican! Right? Wrong. It's called freedom of choice, it's called freedom of expression, and it's called being an American. There's a lot of us. Robin, a military wife whose husband is off in the Sandbox fighting this war RIGHT NOW, makes a great point and a great post about this as well. I'm pleased to see some military spouses backing her up. It doesn't make us any less of a military spouse, a woman, an American, a citizen, or a Patriot, to disagree with the way the President decides to do his job. I've got news for anyone who thinks differently. My husband might have to report to the Commander In Chief, he may work for the President... I don't. MY President works for ME. And that's the way it should be. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
Tuesday, July 06, 2004
Friends! Romans! Countrymen! Are you in the market for an electric guitar? Do you know someone who is in the market for an electric guitar? Then RUN - don't walk - to my husband's eBay auction and check it out. It ain't the prettiest auction template out there, but it's a good deal. We have about $500 in that setup, and we're getting rid of it because (a) we're moving and trying to simplify our lives and (b) he has an electric-acoustic that he plays MUCH more than his electric guitar. We're slashing prices! Or something. You know how it is. Thank you in advance for sharing the link if you are so inclined. I know there must be someone out in the blogosphere who would get some really good use out of what is, definitely, a fabulous instrument. This auction ends sunday! Sunday! SUNDAY! -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
We're having a really hard time around here with Cody's death. It isn't that we didn't know it was coming. We did. It isn't that we didn't prepare ourselves for the possibility. We did. But it's like someone reached in and ripped a huge fucking hole in the fabric of our life here, in this house, and ran off with something priceless. Cody had prostate cancer. He was diagnosed on my birthday, February 11, 2004. Or at least, the diagnosis process started then. That's when they told me to be prepared for the very strong possibility he didn't have much more time left. S. was away at school and I was holding down the fort here by myself. The vet told me we'd be lucky if Cody made it to see S. come home at the end of April... he thought he had until about the end of March to live. He discussed various options, many of them surgical, and we didn't want to put him through that for the remote possibility it could buy him a few more months... since he'd be in pain, recovering, and invalid for most of that time if he was getting over major surgery. So we tried medicine, and we fed him extra, and we took care of him. And he made it to see S. come home. And then he made it two full months after that. A dear friend of mine wrote below, that he wanted to make sure S. came home and that I was going to be okay before he let himself go. As hokey as it might sound, I truly believe that. There's bee so much going on, here. So many things. So many reasons to think we might not be able to deal with one more. He waited until things calmed down and started to feel "right" around here. And he let us know he was ready to go, and we had to make a terrible, but unselfish, decision. There is a part of me that is never going to be quite right after losing Cody. He was a very special dog, and he had a very special place in this family. And for a second this morning, when we got up... I forgot he wouldn't be there. I guess it's going to take some time to heal. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
Monday, July 05, 2004
Blogging can be hard. I think that’s why there’s so many different kinds of bloggers. There are bloggers who write online diaries, there are bloggers who share their fabulous fiction with us, there are bloggers who write for causes, whether they be emotional or political. There’s support groups in the form of blog-webrings, there’s even Blog Marathons like the 24-hour Blogathon, where bloggers make original posts every half hour and donate their pledges to specific charities. Blogging can be hard. I think it gets harder the longer you do it. If you’ve blogged like me, for about 18 months, sometimes it’s draining to hash out personal details of your life in front of an audience. But, since it’s cathartic, many folks make it even longer than this. I mean, what about the people who have been blogging for five years or more? Six or seven years, even? How do they come up with material? We can all come up with bits and pieces of our lives, the things we choose to share with other people – strangers and friends alike – and throw them out, bit by bit, like we’re throwing popcorn into the lake to feed ducks. Sometimes, you get to the lake and there’s a whole gaggle of geese waiting for your mid-day snack, and they gobble it up and honk their approval... but sometimes, you go all the way to the park only to find that there’s a couple of pigeons who would just as soon eat their own shit as whatever tidbit you’ve got to offer up. And I don’t know what would be harder. To be the girl at the park with a bag of popcorn only to find a couple of flying rats, or to be one of the flying rats themselves. It takes all types. But it must be REALLY hard to be a goose-shit-eating pigeon, wading through the scum at the side of the pond hoping for that One. Good. Idea. And coming up with nothing except the good ideas of other people, twisted and vomited back up like it’s supposed to be the best, great new thing. Hey. Maybe it’s EASIER to be a goose-shit-eating pigeon! At least then you don’t have to worry about finding interesting things to write about. Bloggers have a choice. You have a choice. You can be a human being, or you can be a goose-shit-eating pigeon. I’ll just say, if you choose to count yourself among the flying rats, could you stay away from my popcorn? I’m just saying. K thnx. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
10/1994 - 7/5/2004 We had Cody put down today. His illness caught up with him in a way we couldn't fix. We love you, Cody. The Rainbow Bridge inspired by a Norse legend By the edge of a woods, at the foot of a hill, Is a lush, green meadow where time stands still. Where the friends of man and woman do run, When their time on earth is over and done. For here, between this world and the next, Is a place where each beloved creature finds rest. On this golden land, they wait and they play, Till the Rainbow Bridge they cross over one day. No more do they suffer, in pain or in sadness, For here they are whole, their lives filled with gladness. Their limbs are restored, their health renewed, Their bodies have healed, with strength imbued. They romp through the grass, without even a care, Until one day they start, and sniff at the air. All ears prick forward, eyes dart front and back, Then all of a sudden, one breaks from the pack. For just at that instant, their eyes have met; Together again, both person and pet. So they run to each other, these friends from long past, The time of their parting is over at last. The sadness they felt while they were apart, Has turned into joy once more in each heart. They embrace with a love that will last forever, And then, side-by-side, they cross over… together. -- author unknown -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
Sunday, July 04, 2004
Happy July 4th, Independence Day, all. Please pray, if you pray, for that Marine in the post below. Conflicting reports are now surfacing that there's no evidence yet he's been killed. Be safe. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
Saturday, July 03, 2004
ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. SAY IT AGAIN. Reports from the middle east have surfaced, stating that the U.S. Marine held hostage has been beheaded. While this tragedy does not outweigh any other innocent person being torturously killed by militant extremists, it is a tragedy nonetheless. F/911 makes a very good point near the end of the movie. To paraphrase: Here are these brave men and women, who support this country through their military service, who are willing to give their lives so you can maintain the standard of life to which you have become accustomed. And all they ask for in return, is for us not to send them into harm's way without a very good reason. Was this a good reason? I wonder if his family unconditionally supports the war? If you spoke with them, do you think they'd say "That's okay, his death, it really MEANT something. I mean, those people, they're so much better off. It was worth it to us to lose our son. So much has been accomplished." Yeah... I don't think so either. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
Friday, July 02, 2004
It's been like a Blue Man Group concert over here for the last two days. S. has been playing tracks from the CD and video clips from the BMG site and VH1 almost constantly. Looks like it might be time for us to buy the BMG DVD... yeah, we're already jonesing. We'd go back to Vegas tomorrow to see them again. So it looks like we need to plan a trip. Last night I said, "Maybe we'll go to Chicago to see them. Is Chicago closer to Oklahoma City than Las Vegas is?" So today is hopefully going to be a short day at work. I've heard 3pm, I've heard 2pm, and yesterday afternoon I heard rumblings of noon. Noon would be great, because I can come home and work on a big translation project and still have time to run up to the doctor for my 4pm follow-up. He wants to see how I'm doing on my meds, and I think I can tell him I'm doing great. No real side effects to speak of lately and my moods are evening out. I haven't called my dad in a couple of days, so I should probably do that too. And a friend of ours is meeting us for sushi tonight. Gimme an S, gimme a U, gimme an S H I, what's that spell? Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuushi!! The ceiling fan guy is here as we speak. Poor S. is having a little bit of a communication problem with him, as did I over the phone, because he speaks with a very thick accent and has a hard time understanding us if we don't talk slowly. The two of them are pacing up and down the hallway right now to see if they can smell the odd burning smell we noticed. Looks like part of the problem is just bad light bulbs...?? I don't know. I'm going to leave that one to the men. Time for me to get out the door. I understand there's bagels to be had at the office. Peezowt. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
Thursday, July 01, 2004
Rose, Thank you for your support!!!! The invites have come in fast and furious. Since you have a blog, you know that the word of internet "mouth" is a wild and fast one. I have been advised that a weeks worth of our news takes 3-4 weeks to make its way to some of our men and women overseas. This has everything to do with the fact that they don't get to surf online very much, and have limited "instant" contact at home (Like we do with AIM, email, blogs, etc) Let your users know that the requests have picked up, and there's nothing to be worried about. I have heard nothing about Gmail being blocked on any bases. While this could be a possibility, it's something we're keeping an eye on. A lot of feedback that we've gotten to is that military folks utilize local internet cafes which do not fall under military watch. Thanks for the support and information!!! Warm Thanks, Drew Gmail4Troops.com MailForSoldiers.com -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
I just got a really, really cool, super, super nice, very, very complimentary letter of recommendation from my CEO. It appears that I am, as they say, "the shit." Yay! -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
Well, well, well. Looky here. L33t intarweb h4xx0r busted for trying to record a bootleg of Spider-Man 2. Golly, I guess this means it's one less illegal bootleg copy for people to download off newsgroups or IRC. Wah. You know, I might not like the fact that theatre-movies cost $8/pp now, or that DVD's can run you a small fortune, but let's be realistic. It's against the law. I dated a guy once who did, he was a downloading fiend. He'd download movies at all hours of the day and night. Most of them were awful quality anyway. I think he did it just so he could sound like a kewl h4xx0r when he announced that he'd seen a movie before someone else had. Don't get me wrong. I still think the RIAA and the MPAA are a bunch of cocksuckers for trying to squeeze out the little guy. But if you're going to break the law, don't be surprised when you get caught. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
Man, am I tired. At my office, we've crammed into three days as much work as normally goes into five, and I don't see it letting up for the rest of this week. At least I've "heard" through the "grapevine" that we might be "getting out" as early as "noon" on "Friday." Fingers crossed, childrens. I actually fell asleep on the couch in the living room while hubby was playing the PS2 - and believe me when I tell you he wasn't playing some quiet foofy girly game, either, he was playing Socom. And shooting at shit. And talking into his headset. And there was suspenseful music and screaming terrorists and loud sirens and.... zzzzzz I zonked out. By about 9pm. I know, I couldn't believe it either. But I think as my life manages to be fairly normal, my body is expunging itself of all of the excess adrenaline or something. I can't rightly figure it out but I'm not going to complain. Rest isn't a bad thing. So I've been cruising my blogroll, which I deliberately try to keep fairly short (but is increasing in length all the time). I just wanted to point out that not all of the folks on the blogroll who update, will move to the top of the "recently updated" list because not everyone pings Blogrolling. SO... check out some of my friends, as they're writing about interesting stuff. Do yourself a favor and grab a random link. We still don't have the TS paperwork done for S. and the USAF, but hope to have it ready to turn in by July 5 which should have our PCS papers back to us that week. Hopefully. Then we can fax them to Oklahoma and get on the list. I want to thank Asherah for all of her help - and her husband's help - in the impending move. I just can't reiterate how much we appreciate it. Jeez, this post is kind of scatterbrained. Sorry about that. I just can't believe it's already July. We're halfway through the year. It's JULY. Back in January, we said, "Aw, we don't have to worry about that until July." Now all of a sudden we have to worry about it all. At least it's coming fairly easily. Here, let me turn my wall calendar to July. Be right back with you. (random pause) So, happy July 1, everyone. And to my wonderful Pagan friends, happy Lughnasadh (in a month). Lughnasadh is a holiday we celebrate at the end of July or first day of August, depending on who you talk to. It's a harvest-based festival. This month there's an interesting thing going on, though. Sometimes, there are two full moons in one calendar month. In modern definition, that's called a "blue moon." So, we'll have a full moon now, and then another one on the holiday at the end of the month. Which will be cool. Here's where I get all informational on yo ass: Interestingly, the modern definition of a Blue Moon isn't necessarily the most appropriate or the original definition, though it's the most accepted now (it's really only been around and accepted since 1946). Originally, the Blue Moon was traced based on the number of full moons in a Tropical Year (from one Winter Solstice, or Yule, December 21, to the next). This was also related to the Christian Ecclesiastical Year, which is rather interesting since there are few if any Christian traditions that pay attention to astrological events now. Heh. So, if you split the Tropical Year into four quarters, and one of the quarters had four full moons in it, the fourth full moon in that quarter was the Blue Moon. They say the blue moons don't come around but once every two or more years... but seems like we've had more than our share recently if you count the Blue Moons of both definitions. But the last Blue Moon of this type was in 2001. And in 1999, there were TWO Blue Moons, one in January and one in March. That only has the chance of happening a few times every hundred years. So live it up. Thus endeth the lesson. Plbth. There will be no Blue Moons in 2006, 2011, 2014, or 2017. Anyone wanna sing with me? Blue Moon, you saw me standing alone... -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
My job as a military wife is to make it as easy as possible for my beloved husband to do his job. Where he leads, I will follow. ![]() Name: Rose Age: 36 Religion: Pagan Husband: SSgt, USAF Current Location: Tinker AFB, OK Job: Self-Employed Transcriptionist and Domestic Goddess I am currently pimping: Kasora Teas. me @ consumating ![]() I play Everquest II! Thornwyn Tamarisk Iksar Necromancer, Kithicor We're trying for a baby! Pagan Military Wives Webring ![]() ![]() ![]() e-mail me Yahoo! Messenger AOL Messenger MSN Messenger: sablerose70 at hotmail dot com ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Pagan Military Wives More Military Wives Witchy Women Fablogulous Thanks for the LinkyLove Blogroll Me! ![]() January 2003 February 2003 March 2003 April 2003 May 2003 June 2003 July 2003 August 2003 September 2003 October 2003 November 2003 December 2003 January 2004 February 2004 March 2004 April 2004 May 2004 June 2004 July 2004 August 2004 September 2004 October 2004 November 2004 December 2004 January 2005 February 2005 March 2005 April 2005 May 2005 June 2005 July 2005 August 2005 September 2005 October 2005 November 2005 December 2005 January 2006 February 2006 March 2006 April 2006 May 2006 June 2006 July 2006 August 2006 September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 October 2007 December 2007 January 2008 March 2008 May 2008 Googly Moogly Home ![]()
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