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Welcome to my wonderful, terrible, soap opera sit-com world.
Tuesday, September 28, 2004
Shamelessly stolen from Goldie because I'm that kind of a thief, I need to exercise my mad photographic skeelz, and because as memes go, this one's cool: --Think of a picture you’d like to see from me. --Leave whatever you’d like to see in the comments; things around the house, whatever, stuff that's easily photographed. --Once I have enough requests, I’ll start posting them. --If I can’t feasibly take a photograph of what you'd like to see, I'll let you know and you'll be welcome to give me another option or to tell me to piss off. --If you ask for something that is pervy and/or I'm not up for it, I'll make fun of you publically. Or not. And Mikey, if you're going to suggest I should post a rack photo, I'll remind you that the BoobieThon is coming up. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
THIS is the link to the Mount St. Helens Live Webcam. Seems there's something a-stirrin' underneath the mountain. For those of you who don't know, on May 18, 1983, Mt. St. Helens exploded sending a huge burst of ash and debris into the pacific northwest skies. I was there. Well not THERE, but I lived in a small town in Washington at the time, and felt some of the shock and shake, and definitely saw the ash clouds and plumes. And cleaned up ash for like a week. I still have a bottle of it. The ash. Pretty amazing natural disaster. So 21 years later, maybe it's time for a little stretch. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
Woo! Well, life's as good as ever. Spent Monday getting some things done, like car insurance (let me tell you, I thought insurance was a fiasco in ARIZONA - I have NEVER seen anything like it is in Oklahoma...) and getting cars registered and stuff. Found out that here, a spouse of active duty military can get the military discount to register our car, so S. is getting some paperwork filled out today for that very purpose. Then I'll go tomorrow, get my driver's license, registered to vote, and finish registering the truck (for $23). Ordered a pizza last night because I didn't want to cook, but then today I've been Domestic Darla... doing laundry, vacuuming and dusting, planning dinner, and I'm going to shortly go get lunch ready for S. when he comes home. So, here's some of the things from my post the other day, the list of things I've done in my life. Y'all wanted some of the stories. Some are better than others, so I'll start at the top and move down... Said 'I love you' and meant it is fairly obvious. Hugged a Tree - when I was 19 or 20, some friends and I went on a road trip from Phoenix to Northern California. We went to Muir Woods, and I got my picture taken with my arms plastered up against a HUGE tree. I couldn't even come near putting my arms around it, exactly, because - well - you could have driven a car through it. Saw a lightning storm at sea - When I was a kid living in Alaska, my family had a number of different boats throughout that time. The largest was a 40-foot Bayliner cabin cruiser, and we took it from where it was moored in Seattle, WA to Anchorage, AK by way of... ocean. Hell of a family trip. Somewhere between British Columbia and Kechikan, AK, we were in a storm with HUGE swells and - you guessed it - a lightning storm. Stayed up all night long and watched the sun rise - Seriously, who hasn't done this? I've done it in Las Vegas, I've done it as a silly college kid hopping from Waffle House to Waffle House on a Friday night... Saw the Northern Lights - Grew up in Alaska. 'Nuff said. Went to a huge sports game - living in Phoenix, I've been to Diamondbacks baseball games, a MLB World Series/Playoff Game, NFL games, NHL games, and NBA games. Grown and eaten my own vegetables -- When I lived in Arizona, it wasn't unusual for me to have a garden. I especially loved having a salsa garden. I grew green and purple sweet (bell) peppers, a variety of tomatoes, green onions, herbs including cilantro... about the only thing I didn't grow was garlic! Touched an iceberg -- Grew up in Alaska. So I've walked on and touched and climbed on a glacier before, which is the mommy and daddy of icebergs, so I think this counts. Slept under the stars - we're campers. We camp. We greatly enjoy the camping. Changed a baby's diaper - Babysitting as a teen, plus helping sis take care of my nephew and niece... this is an inevitability. Watched a meteor shower -- Leonid shower, a couple years back in Phoenix, when it was very, VERY visible. Got drunk on champagne! -- Woo hoo! Wedding night, New Years Eve... any time there's good champagne to be had, there's a risk of getting tipsy on it. I've even been tipsy on the bubbly since we got to Oklahoma, as we toasted our new home. Looked up at the night sky through a telescope -- School trip to the Lowell Observatory in Arizona. Uncontrollable giggling fit at the worst possible moment -- C'mon, sometimes what's ultra-serious to others, is just comical to you. Who hasn't done this? Food fight! -- With my ex husband, if you can believe that. New Years Eve 1995. We threw pizza at one another. Maybe, just maybe, that's why we aren't married any more. Bet on a winning horse! -- Long time ago. Turf Paradise, Phoenix. My boyfriend at the time had a company Christmas party at the horse track, and part of the pre-dinner excitement was everyone was betting on horses. I made a $1 bet "to win" on the favorite horse, and won like $3.25. Taken a sick day when not ill -- Who hasn't done this? The last time I did it was probably to interview for my last job. Had a snowball fight! -- ALASKA. Born. In. Alaska. Okay, time to go make some lunch. Maybe more to come. Not all of the superfunnest stories of all have come yet... -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
Sunday, September 26, 2004
STEAL SOME COVERS, SHARE SOME SKIN. Talk about a lazy Sunday. Lazy weekend all around, actually, but nice nonetheless. On Saturday, we struck out on an adventure. Went to Tuesday Morning to look for some wall-suitable art for the ol' homestead, but didn't come away with anything except a beautiful cobalt blue spoon rest for my stove (kitchen stuff is cobalt blue). Drove around Norman, OK and went to the Sooner Mall and puttered around in there for a while. Not as crowded as I'd have thought for a Saturday afternoon, and not a bad little mall. Ate at an awesome little Mexican restaurant in a strip mall in Moore, OK - some of the best Mexican food I've ever had, actually. Going to be worth the trip to go there again. Gorditas like I've never had in the U.S. - really authentic stuff. Very yummy, and it made for nice leftovers. Went to a Target or two, and came home with one of these for the living room... to cover up the wires that are a side effect of buying one of these! I keep saying that's the last housewarming present we're going to get for ourselves. Aurgh! Stopped by the Shoppette on the base for some basics and essentials, and headed home for a little bit of futzing around here. S. hooked up the home theatre and we played with that for a while. This weekend was MOVE-IN WEEKEND around the complex, as it's the last weekend of the month. Lots of folks moving their stuff into their apartments, which means we get to take some time and meet some neighbors this week. Last night we went to dinner at Applebee's, which although it wasn't regional, interesting, or Oklahoman, fit the bill and was reasonably priced and was just up the road from here. And I got to have one of their Perfect Margaritas, which ends up being a margarita and a martini all in one. How can I possibly beat that? Came home last night, had another cocktail and watched some of THIS, which was another little thing we treated ourselves to while out and about. We're Kevin Smith fanatics, so of course we had to get sucked into buying Clerks X to keep our collection complete and up to date. Besides, there's 3 discs of extra bonus crap! Got up late this morning, and lounged around pretty much all day. I am actually still wearing my "lounge wear," as I haven't done much but sit on the couch ALL DAMN DAY LONG. And let me tell you what, it fuckin' rocked the house. Watched the original cut of Clerks out of our new boxed set. Ate Mexican food leftovers. Played Dynasty Warriors IV on the Playstation2 for a while... in surround sound... from the home theatre... rawk! I've basically not done shit all day. And I... WE... fucking deserved it. I fully expect to play more Sims2 tonight, somewhere between cooking dinner and going to bed. Criminy, it's already 6:23pm and I just wanna keep being a bump on a log. We'll make up for it tomorrow though... S. has the day off ("Productivity Day," I've been told) and we're going to use it to do things like registering automobile(s), getting renter's and auto insurance in Oklahoma, stuff like that. w00t! -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
Courtesy of Mikey, I thought this would be a cute meme. He got it from someone who got it from someone, too. The things that are BOLD are things I have done in my life. 01. Bought everyone in the pub a drink 02. Swam with wild dolphins 03. Climbed a mountain 04. Taken a Ferrari for a test drive 05. Been inside the Great Pyramid 06. Held a tarantula. 07. Taken a candlelit bath with someone 08. Said 'I love you' and meant it 09. Hugged a tree 10. Done a striptease 11. Bungee jumped 12. Visited Paris 13. Watched a lightning storm at sea 14. Stayed up all night long, and watch the sun rise 15. Seen the Northern Lights 16. Gone to a huge sports game 17. Walked the stairs to the top of the leaning Tower of Pisa 18. Grown and eaten your own vegetables 19. Touched an iceberg Same as Mikey:(glacier, yes. iceberg, no) 20. Slept under the stars 21. Changed a baby's diaper 22. Taken a trip in a hot air balloon 23. Watched a meteor shower 24. Gotten drunk on champagne 25. Given more than you can afford to charity 26. Looked up at the night sky through a telescope 27. Had an uncontrollable giggling fit at the worst possible moment 28. Had a food fight 29. Bet on a winning horse (even if it was only $1) 30. Taken a sick day when you're not ill 31. Asked out a stranger 32. Had a snowball fight 33. Photocopied your bottom on the office photocopier 34. Screamed as loudly as you possibly can 35. Held a lamb 36. Enacted a favorite fantasy 37. Taken a midnight skinny dip 38. Taken an ice cold bath 39. Had a meaningful conversation with a beggar 40. Seen a total eclipse ... ALMOST. 1991 you could see it from Mexico, and I was in Phoenix. Still experienced an almost total one, though. 41. Ridden a roller coaster 42. Hit a home run 43. Fit three weeks miraculously into three days 44. Danced like a fool and not cared who was looking 45. Adopted an accent for an entire day 46. Visited the birthplace of your ancestors 47. Actually felt happy about your life, even for just a moment 48. Had two hard drives for your computer 49. Visited all 50 states 50. Loved your job for all accounts 51. Taken care of someone who was shit faced 52. Had enough money to be truly satisfied (maybe now?) 53. Had amazing friends (still do!) 54. Danced with a stranger in a foreign country 55. Watched wild whales 56. Stolen a sign 57. Backpacked in Europe 58. Taken a road-trip 59. Rock climbing 60. Lied to foreign government's official in that country to avoid notice 61. Midnight walk on the beach 62. Sky diving 63. Visited Ireland 64. Been heartbroken longer then you were actually in love 65. In a restaurant, sat at a stranger's table and had a meal with them 66. Visited Japan 67. Benchpressed your own weight 68. Milked a cow 69. Alphabetized your records (and CD's and tapes and and and...) 70. Pretended to be a superhero 71. Sung karaoke 72. Lounged around in bed all day 73. Posed nude in front of strangers 74. Scuba diving 75. Got it on to "Let's Get It On" by Marvin Gaye 76. Kissed in the rain 77. Played in the mud 78. Played in the rain 79. Gone to a drive-in theater 80. Done something you should regret, but don't regret it 81. Visited the Great Wall of China 82. Discovered that someone who's not supposed to have known about your blog has discovered your blog 83. Dropped Windows in favor of something better 84. Started a business 85. Fallen in love and not had your heart broken 86. Toured ancient sites 87. Taken a martial arts class 88. Swordfought 89. Played D&D for more than 6 hours straight 90. Gotten married 91. Been in a movie 92. Crashed a party 93. Loved someone you shouldn't have 94. Kissed someone so passionately it made them dizzy 95. Gotten divorced 96. Had sex at the office 97. Gone without food for 5 days 98. Made cookies from scratch 99. Won first prize in a costume contest 100. Ridden a gondola in Venice 101. Gotten a tattoo 102. Found that the texture of some materials can turn you on 103. Rafted the Snake River 104. Been on television news programs as an "expert" 105. Got flowers for no reason 106. Masturbated in a public place 107. Got so drunk you don't remember anything 108. Been addicted to some form of illegal drug 109. Performed on stage 110. Been to Las Vegas 111. Recorded music 112. Eaten shark 113. Had a one-night stand 114. Gone to Thailand 115. Seen Siouxsie live 116. Bought a house 117. Been in a combat zone 118. Buried one/both of your parents 119. Shaved or waxed your pubic hair off 120. Been on a cruise ship 121. Spoken more than one language fluently 122. Gotten into a fight while attempting to defend someone 123. Bounced a check 124. Performed in Rocky Horror 125. Read - and understood - your credit report 126. Raised children 127. Recently bought and played with a favorite childhood toy 128. Followed your favorite band/singer on tour 129. Created and named your own constellation of stars 130. Taken an exotic bicycle tour in a foreign country 131. Found out something significant that your ancestors did 132. Called or written your Congress person 133. Picked up and moved to another city to just 134. ...more than once? - More than thrice? 135. Walked the Golden Gate Bridge 136. Sang loudly in the car, and didn't stop when you knew someone was looking 137. Had an abortion or your female partner did 138. Had plastic surgery 139. Survived an accident that you shouldn't have survived. 140. Wrote articles for a large publication 141. Lost over 100 pounds 142. Held someone while they were having a flashback 143. Piloted an airplane 144. Petted a stingray (well, a Bat Ray anyway) 145. Broken someone's heart 146. Helped an animal give birth 147. Been fired or laid off from a job 148. Won money on a T.V. game show 149. Broken a bone 150. Killed a human being 151. Gone on an African photo safari 152. Ridden a motorcycle 153. Driven any land vehicle at a speed of greater than 100mph 154. Had a body part of yours below the neck pierced 155. Fired a rifle, shotgun, or pistol 156. Eaten mushrooms that were gathered in the wild 157. Ridden a horse 158. Had major surgery 159. Had sex on a moving train 160. Had a snake as a pet 161. Hiked to the bottom of the Grand Canyon 162. Slept through an entire flight: takeoff, flight, and landing 163. Slept for more than 30 hours over the course of 48 hours 164. Visited more foreign countries than U.S. states 165. Visited all 7 continents 166. Taken a canoe trip that lasted more than 2 days 167. Eaten kangaroo meat 168. Fallen in love at an ancient Mayan burial ground 169. Been a sperm or egg donor 170. Eaten sushi 171. Had your picture in the newspaper 172. Had 2 (or more) healthy romantic relationships for over a year in your lifetime 173. Changed someone's mind about something you care deeply about 174. Gotten someone fired for their actions 175. Gone back to school 176. Parasailed 177. Changed your name 178. Petted a cockroach 179. Eaten fried green tomatoes 180. Read The Iliad 181. Selected one "important" author who you missed in school, and read, 182. Dined in a restaurant and stolen silverware, plates, cups because your apartment needed them 183. ...and gotten 86'ed from the restaurant because you did it so many times, they figured out it was you 184. Taught yourself an art from scratch 185. Killed and prepared an animal for eating 186. Apologized to someone years after inflicting the hurt 187. Skipped all your school reunions (not on purpose) 188. Communicated with someone without sharing a common spoken language 189. Been elected to public office 190. Written your own computer language 191. Thought to yourself that you're living your dream 192. Had to put someone you love into hospice care 193. Built your own PC from parts 194. Sold your own artwork to someone who didn't know you 195. Had a booth at a street fair 196: Dyed your hair 197: Been a DJ 198: Found out someone was going to dump you via LiveJournal 199: Written your own role playing game 200: Been arrested Whoofah! Looks like I've done more than I thought I did. I didn't truly think I'd have this many things selected. Each bold item has a story behind it. If you'd like to know the story, just comment and I'll share it. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
Friday, September 24, 2004
I love Fridays. I especially love Fridays when S. is off on Monday. That means long weekend, and it means some good time together. Now that the stress level is declining here, having some fun together is on the agenda. I got out and about a little bit today. Went up to the grocery to get some coffee creamer -- I know, I know, big freakin' whoop de doo - but I did a little bit of driving around and learning the neighborhood. I've kind of stranded myself here in the apartment intentionally out of comfort, but the weather was so nice today I hopped in the Rodeo with windows down and just ran some errands. S. doesn't have to work on Monday. I can't determine if that's a benefit of being a Shift Supervisor, or what, but he and others in his shop are all off on Monday. A free day. I'm sure there's some Air-Forcely reason for it, but I don't know. All that matters to me is it's a long weekend and it'll be good. We're going to try to get out and have some dinner tonight, some that I don't have to cook, which will be cool too. Sorry to have such a boring update, just having a lazy day here. Happy weekend, everyone! -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
Thursday, September 23, 2004
Heya. Well, first of all let me just jump in and say that I have to make my post about the BoobieThon. Mikey tells the history of the event much better than I ever could, as I'm not completely familiar with it. I heard about it last year but didn't participate. This year, I'm going to. Whether I donate money, or a rack shot, or both, I'm going to be right in there. (No, I won't tell you which ones are mine!) Here's how it works... hope I get this right. Girls (and/or guys!), take a "rack shot." That's a cleavage picture, one of your boobie-o-rama. Tastefully covered boobies will be anonymously displayed on the "free" pages for Boobiethon, and are used to garner interest in the REAL star of the show, the fundraising for the Susan Konen Breast Cancer Foundation. If you have enough gumption (which I do not!) to submit a rack shot UNcovered... then those shots will be displayed anonymously on a separate page, where access is granted only to those who donate a certain amount of money. I plan to donate a tastefully covered shot of my ample rack, though I haven't actually TAKEN it yet. We'll see if I can do it myself or if I need S. to take the shot for me. SO! For more information on BoobieThon, please click HERE and if you're interested in diving in full force and donating a rack shot, you should hop over and see LISA and send, Send, SEND! Get ready to BoobieThon! -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
![]() S.'s desk (and my desk). Our office. Not pictured: walk in closet on right hand wall, dart board. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
![]() My desk. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
![]() One shelf in the built-in bookcase... a tribute to our marriage. Awwwwwww. The dried flowers in the vase on the right is the bouquet I held in the wedding. The two dried roses sticking up out of the rose bowl are the first two flowers S. ever gave me. Wedding picture on the right. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
![]() My "cozy" little kitchen. Newfangled anodized cookware set drying on the counter on your left, laundry room to the right of the fridge. And again, my bad skeelz re: cutting off the top of my attractive bottles on top of the cabinets. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
![]() Dining room. Note my awesome photographic skills in not successfully displaying the raised ceiling with crown moulding. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
![]() Another shot of the living room... note my awesome photographic skill in cutting off the harvest-themed decorations on top of the entertainment armoire. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
![]() Standing near the arcadia door looking past big-eared bat dog, to the dining room. Kitchen and hallway to front door on the right, hallway to guest room and office and bathroom on the left. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
![]() The living room from the hallway, looking towards the arcadia door, dog bed, and ficus tree. Door to master bedroom is on the left, but can't see it here. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
![]() Every good living room needs a dog on the couch and a can of cat treats on the coffee table. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
![]() Second pic: This is my ankle about a day and a half after I sprained it. What you can't completely see is that it was black and blue around the outside of my foot, to the arch of my foot... and up my ankle over the joint, nearly up to my calf. I don't have cankles, this is just how swelled up my foot was. I couldn't comfortably wear a shoe. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
![]() First pic: Master bedroom. What you can't see is book boxes and HUGE windows on the right hand side. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
Wednesday, September 22, 2004
Welcome to a Wednesday that's nearly come and gone. Eep! Got up early this morning, did a bunch of loads of laundry, got another bag of crap ready to throw out, walked the dog, walked the dog, cleaned up poop, served lunch to my man, cleaned that up too, finished the master bedroom finally FINALLY completely, emailed with her and chatted with her and messaged with friends back home. Also had a nice email exchange with my old boss, who says my recommendation letter will be in the mail today. Rock on! Right now, there's a pot of purple potatoes boiling on the stove. Gonna have them for dinner with some collard greens and other yummy stuff. I'm privileged and lucky that I am a great cook, I LOVE to cook, and my husband loves everything I make. I've been in a relationship with someone who only ate "certain things" and never wanted to go out to eat, or never wanted to eat what I wanted to eat. I used to date a guy (some of you who know me, and know who I'm referring to, can attest to this) who wouldn't eat any vegetables except for deep fried mushrooms, who lived on chicken wings and frozen pizza and Coca-cola, who very literally ate all of three or four things. The whole time we dated, the only places we went to dinner was Outback (he ate sauteed mushrooms and french fries), Fuddrucker's (because the burgers COME plain, you don't have to ASK for them to be plain, and he wouldn't eat cheese, lettuce, tomatoes or condiments on a burger), Peter Piper (a pizza joint), and a couple of places that served buffalo wings. Gah. So again I say, I'm a lucky girl to be married to someone who's as adventurous food-wise as I am, doesn't mind my spicy food fetish, and will pretty much eat anything I cook for him. In other news, mailed off the last check to pay off bills today, called AT&T Wireless to get our cellphone(s) switched to OKC numbers instead of Phoenix, and talked briefly with my mom, which was nice. I know I was going to blog about BoobieThon, and I will.. maybe later on tonight, maybe tomorrow. Right now, I've got to go cook some dinner!! -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
Tuesday, September 21, 2004
By the way. Stolen from Asherah... as she said, thought I'd do it for shits and giggles.
So! Since Beavis and Butthead can't pass up a good party, I'm going to write tomorrow about BoobieThon, a fund raiser for the Komen Breast Cancer Foundation. I'd encourage everyone to donate, and if you don't wanna donate money, donate an anonymous shot of your Thelma and Louise or Beavis and Butthead, or Righty or Lefty... ... but now I'm chewing into tomorrow's post. peezowt. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
Haven't been around. Have been playing with The Sims 2 and am loving it. Oh, and finishing up the house, which should be picture-able very soon. S. stopped on the way home yesterday and bought me a copy of Sims2, because they were showing it off in his building and folks were playing with it in down-time. He figured I'd love it, and true to form, I do! Props to Shanna for not only the good recommendation for the game, but also a little Sim help along the way. It's about time for me to find somewhere to get my nails done. I suppose I should venture out some time soon. There are two or three nail places near the apartment, just gotta find a "good one." You know how it is, girls. Can't just hand the ol' fingers over to just anybody. It's supposed to rain here tomorrow. At least a little bit. First day of autumn bringing in a little bit of autumn. Today on one of the walks with the dog, I saw some leaves that had already fallen off nearby trees. I haven't actually seen any of them turning yet, but I'm sure that's just around the corner! As for the whole stay-at-home-woman thing, I'm digging it. I like not only having my husband come home for lunch, but having lunch ready and on the table for him when he gets here. I like not only doing his laundry for him (except for his BDU's, which go to the cleaners - extra starch!) but I like putting it away. I like making him dinner and doing the dishes while he does something else like taking the dog out. I like putting the coffee together on "delay brew" so at 6am when he's out of the shower, it's ready for him. I like all of it. I like taking care of my man. Sheesh, I must be a pretty bad feminist. I LIKE it! To be frank, I also like the fact that S. will acknowledge my efforts, telling me how great the apartment looks, or how delicious dinner was, or thanking me for everything I'm doing. I like it that he wants to come in the kitchen and help me with the dishes, I like it that he'll set the table in anticipation of dinner, I like it that he'll call me during the day and say hi, I love it that he calls on his way home and asks me if we need anything. I love the give-and-take of all of it. It's not about being subservient; it's about being a working part of a working team. It just means my "job" is different than it has been. I like it, and he seems to like it too. Never know, might do this for a while... If you read this, thanks baby... thank you for taking care of me in all the ways you do, and thanks for giving me the chance to take this time off. Ahem. Now. I'm going to play some more Sims before we have to go to bed. I'm a lucky woman. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
Monday, September 20, 2004
Okay, where do we begin? How about a list... 1) When going to a place that has cold beer, onion rings, cheese fries, chicken wings, and sports on television... do NOT drive 15 miles to the joint on any night when college football is on television. Well, at least don't do that in Oklahoma. This includes Thursday night. Otherwise, you may be relegated to a one-Bud-light and a quickly-eaten snacky dinner out on the patio, because there are no seats in the bar. 2) Oh yeah. Did I say football was big in Oklahoma? Must buy myself a couple of Sooner shirts so I can blend. 3) When the ground makes a sudden crackling noise, that means the sprinklers are coming on. This will most certainly happen when you are wearing your pajama bottoms, no socks, and your good tennies to take the dog out for his morning walk. 4) Louisiana Purchase Dirty Rice mix is so much better than Zatarain's. And it's cheaper. Bonus. 5) The commissary at Tinker AFB is so much nicer than the commissary at Luke AFB. The thing is probably 1/3 bigger, newer, bigger selection of stuff, AND they are BUILDING a new commissary as if that wasn't enough. Hi, just in case you think your local commissary is pretty good, we're going to make it even better. But either way, we saved about 25% on this week's shopping by going there (which is also a bigger savings than could be had back at Luke AFB). One week's food for $56. Rock on. That's what, $225 a month? 6) Cooking is therapy. 7) My dog needs to go on a diet. Time to put him on some low-cal food. Low-mobility apartment living, although he loves it, will cause him to put on weight. 8) Blue Bell Ice Cream, formerly available only in Texas, is available at the Commissary and also at the grocery stores here in Oklahoma. Any company with a slogan like: We eat all we can, and then we sell the rest - that's my kind of ice cream company. We recommend the Vanilla, and Key Lime Pie (with swirls of whipped cream and graham cracker crust). 9) Although I'm settling in here - WE are settling in here - I do miss my friends, and wish I had been present for my grandpa's funeral(s). 10) Today my goal is to have all the rooms in the house finished. Think I can pull it off? OH yes, and to make a fabulous pot of spaghetti sauce. I think it's do-able. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
Saturday, September 18, 2004
Sushi. Hubby and I are sushi addicts, and we aren't ashamed to admit it. We'd walk miles for a good roll (of sushi, not "in the hay") and the taste of raw fish makes our day. So, we went out last night to have sushi. In Oklahoma. Adventure? We thought it might be. Thanks to Matt for giving us a good sushi recommendation, we headed out on the 10 mile jaunt to the sushi place. Mapquest directions in hand, we twisted and turned and finally arrived in time to beat what we ended up calling, "the dinner rush." Let me interrupt here by saying that the sushi was good. I mean, it tasted good. I've had some bad sushi in my day, and this was far from it. This was good sushi. For $50 - and we didn't even SHARE a beer - it better have been good. But we're spoiled. You'll see. When we walked in, the sushi restaurant ("Sushi Neko" in Oklahoma City) was embellished with cherry wood and green granite and marble, soft lighting, the whole nine yards. Servers, male and female, dressed in all black with neckties hovered around us waiting to take our order. We perused the menu and saw some things we wanted to try, so we got some of our "standards" and then got some things that were considered Sushi Neko specialties. Now, like I said - everything tasted good. But it wasn't fun. At our favorite sushi place in Arizona, if you sat at the sushi bar you were greeted with and dealt with the sushi chef directly. He smiled at you, you could ask him questions... "What's good today?" "Is that albacore really worth $5.99?" "If you were going to have some sashimi today, what would you have?" "What's in that roll again?" "What did that guy get? I need one of those!" At Sushi Neko, we sat at a low sushi bar and the sushi chef did not interact with us except to hand us our plate of food. And it was an odd assembly-line production of sushi. One man stood in the corner of the bar fabricating the beginnings of sushi rolls, while three women further down the bar took them, cut them, arranged them, sauced them... it was like one "maker" and three "Designers." The waitress took our sushi order, we didn't give it to the 'chef' directly. The waitress hovered over us for everything we wanted or needed. But no matter how many times I smiled sweetly and said, "Thank you!", she did not and would not smile at me. None of the servers smiled. There was no laughter, there was no bright-eyed wonder, there was none of the FUN that we were used to at our favorite spot in Phoenix. So the food, it was good... but without that extra bit of atmosphere, it wasn't YUMMY. Besides that, some things were more expensive than we'd get at home (we could eat our fill in Arizona, each have a beer, tip fabulously and still get out of there for under $50). Now, I'll pay for good fish. But I want the experience to be fun, too. Sushi is supposed to be kind of fun, at least in my opinion. You should be able to look down the bar at what everyone else is having, talk with someone about recommendations... heck, "our" sushi chef in Arizona said he'd come visit us in Oklahoma. That's called having a fun relationship with the guy who's making your dinner. So. There are a couple of other little places we're going to try... we've been told their stuff isn't as high-quality as it is at Sushi Neko, but we're going to give it a shot anyway. Never know when you are going to find a diamond in the rough. Thank you, Sushi Neko, for giving me sushi! Oh and there's this -- there are more freaking drive through take out all you can eat $4.95 Hu-nan Chau-chau Grand China Super Lucky Buffet places here than I have ever seen in my LIFE. Just between our apartment and the base, there are no fewer than six. SIX. All of them with different names, but all of them look the same. Apparently, there is a substantial Asian population here in Oklahoma. It'll be interesting. And, in the "cheap wine" category today, let me just say that Ballatore Rosso Red Spumante is the shit. THE SHIT. We picked up a bottle of it at the Shoppette the other day because it looked interesting. Turns out it's a BEAUTIFUL ruby red color and an absolutely fabulous taste. Amazing, actually, for the $6 we spent on it. Shanna, you have to find yourself a bottle of this. Yum. Cheap bubbly and expensive sushi. What a night. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
Friday, September 17, 2004
The road to being debt free is an amazing, sun-shiny, happy go lucky, carefree, and awesome feeling road to be on. How debt free, you may ask? Completely debt free. I just paid off my Sears account (which was small) and my Visa card (which was not) and within two weeks, all of S.'s debt will also be eliminated. The only "debt" we will have, will be his car payment since my truck is paid for. And then when I go back to work somewhere down the road, my salary will go a much longer way since it will ALL be gravy. Good things happen to good people, y'all. My ship's coming in. Amazing husband, beautiful apartment, supportive family, fantabulous friends, and more financial security than I could possibly have hoped for. AND what I would consider to be a huge amount of money put away in a CD to be used as a down payment on a house somewhere down the road. I just can't begin to tell you how this feels. I'm amazingly happy. I'm starting to feel more secure and successful and grateful for my fabulous life than I ever have been. I already love not having any debt. AND I love being rid of S.'s disgusting bipolar borderline personality psychotic pathalogically lying cuntrageous bitch of an ex wife. THAT may be the best present of all. After the debts are paid, nothing ties her to him any more and her crackhead compulsive psycho bullshit has no place in our lives. I had no idea how completely fucked in the head one woman could be until this year. And ridding our lives of her and all her fucked up drugged out screaming mimi fuckwit bullshit is the best gift we could give ourselves. Yay, us! 1) Love Nest 2) No Debt 3) Money at the end of the Month, instead of Month at the end of the Money 4) Awesome dog, beautiful cat 5) Getting Healthy 6) New City 7) Freedom Who could ask for more? Good things come to those who wait, and good things come to good people. When you do the right thing, it all comes back to you. Woohoo! -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
I am attempting to find the fucktard piece of asshat crap that keeps hanging the blog up upon loading. I think I am narrowing it down to Blogroll, which has been sporadically down the last couple of days. If anyone has any further ideas, please feel free to let me know. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
Thursday, September 16, 2004
Wow. So my first day on my own here in the apartment without S., and I get a mondo headache by about 9am and had to go back and lay down. Thank you, world, for not demanding I find a job immediately. So, I'm wandering from room to room trying to decide which mountain to tackle next. The master bedroom, probably. We went to Bed, Bath and Beyond and bought one of these with a gift card held over from our wedding gift piles in January. So our bedroom is looking pretty nice now, as the bedroom set is whitewashed oak. Those colors go great! I made my first "real" dinner in the kitchen last night, and figured out that things are going to work out fine in that department. S. is on his way home for lunch right now to have delightful leftovers! My desk is up and my computer is up, and I am blogging this from my OWN workstation in our lovely office, which is about 2/3 done. My goal for today was to get through our bedroom and the guest room, but I think it might only be one room depending on whether or not I keep getting this strange vice-grip headache. I think it has something to do with the climate and stuff here, just adjusting. Maybe I have a couple of new allergies. The living room is DONE! The guest bathroom is almost done! The kitchen is DONE! By the time I get the other two rooms done, the dining room will be done because that's the collection-point for everything that hasn't found a "place" yet. Heh. So maybe I'll have some pictures later today. Sorry for the sporadic bloggage. Thanks for hanging in there! I'll make my way around soon, as soon as I can devote the hours it's going to take for me to make a round on the old blogroll!! OOOOooooooooooooooooklahoma, where the wind comes sweepin down the plain... -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
Monday, September 13, 2004
Sheesh, y'all, I can't even believe what a whirlwind this has been. The movers weren't supposed to get here with our stuff until the 20th of this month... so imagine our surprise when they called us today! To tell us! That they were in OKC! And on the way! To our apartment! Our apartment, which had half empty boxes of crap strewn around because we were taking our time finding places for all of it. Because the movers weren't coming. For a week. S. had to run out the door and go to the mini storage place, which was one of our chores for today anyway, to actually RENT the ministorage... so we'd have a place to put our "extras." So, he did that and I ran (read: hobbled) around like a chicken with my head cut off, moving things here, there, and everywhere in anticipation of them coming. And then they called and said they might not come. Fuckers. You see, it appears they had our piddly amount of crap in a SEMI TRAILER, and they were concerned they wouldn't be able to get it on the property (which they couldn't) or in to the mini storage (which they couldn't)... but as that was not our problem, we told them that they could go offload it onto a smaller truck and come back tomorrow. Oh no, you see, the truck driver had a high school reunion to be at, tomorrow, in St. Louis, and he wasn't missing it for anything. So tomorrow was right out. So they get here and park the semi on the street, which is rather far from our apartment, and the guy comes up the stairs. This truck driver was the oldest, frail-est truck driver I have ever seen. Honestly. The guy had to be in his late 60's or early 70's. And with him, two unloader guys. So we have a conversation about how the truck won't fit in the driveway of the complex, but he decides to do it anyway. In the process of trying to get the truck onto the property, he also scraped the curb, destroyed a brand new lawn sprinkler, took out a huge hunk of grass/sod, nearly backed into multiple oncoming vehicles, managed to get his truck pretty much wedged in the street... and that was just in the first hour. Hour. Hour of trying to get the truck in. An hour. Hour. When they finally started loading things up to the apartment it was after 5pm, I'd guess, but it was as hot and humid as it had been all day. They finished up just berfore 8pm our time. Oh wait, you ask, how did they get your stuff to the mini storage? They had to go rent a U-haul at their expense, offload the storage stuff, reload it onto a U-haul, and they are currently taking it down there (S. is with them). Heh. Gotta give my man credit though, for knowing what he's doing. He pulled out our little two-way radios and he stood down at the truck, telling me what boxes were coming up the stairs. I marked them off the checklist and looked up what was in them, so I could direct the guys to the appropriate room. Overall a good system and we didn't LOSE any boxes... tomorrow will be the test. Gotta find out if anything broke. The only furniture that didn't make it up here is the corner piece to our (gargantuan) sectional couch, which made it just too wide for the living room, and the 36" square coffee table... but that coffee table still might become a part of the decor after we get all the boxes unpacked and have a better idea of what the living room looks like. I'd like to see it come up here, so they're putting it at the front of the storage unit. We'll just bring it up in the truck later. Wow. I haven't typed in a little while, I guess I'm rambling. THanks for listening to me over the last few days... thanks for putting up with me while my little world has been filled with change. At least this page is a constant. Raise your glasses, everyone... here's to leaving behind the fuckwits and asshats of my previous life and starting anew... and here's to lasting friendships with the people I've come across who are NOT fuckwits and asshats. Heh. Update: S just called me from the storage unit... it appears a 5 x 10 unit is going to be a tight fit for our stuff. Really tight. I believe he said, "tighter than a gnat's ass." Hmmmmm. Maybe some time, upgrade to a 5 x 15 unit. I still can't believe it's going to be that tight of a fit, but I'm not there to see it. That should be a stop on my tour of OKC tomorrow. Oh well, at least we're almost done. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
Sunday, September 12, 2004
Saturday, September 11, 2004
Thursday, September 09, 2004
I'm stealing an internet connection and filling in one teensy weensy little post to fill y'all in on the situation. The movers came and packed us up and then came yesterday and moved us out. 6,700 pounds of crap in the back of a moving truck is now on its way to Oklahoma City, OK. Wahoo. At 12:30 yesterday, my grandfather passed away. The good news is my mother has been able to go see my grandma and be with her in this time of need. The bad-ish news is that I am going to miss BOTH funerals/memorials due to this damn move. But I'm trying to have some peace about it, since I was one of the few of us who was there with him when he was in the hospital. We are going to try to stop into Cottonwood on our way towards Flagstaff and see my grandma on our way out of the state. At about 4pm last night, I stepped in a HOLE in my goddamn back yard (which is now no longer "my" backyard as much as "the lady who bought my house"'s backyard) and horked my ankle an amazing amount. I am really surprised I'm getting around on it as well as I am, considering through the compression dressing it looks like there's a golf ball underneath my sock. But a little at a time I'm hobbling around. That left S. to fill up the trailer by himself, but we didn't have as much to go in the trailer as I thought. I suppose the "good" part about this is, I don't have to haul a bunch of stuff up the stairs into the apartment... the "bad" news about it is, I can't do it anyway, and it makes me feel like I am not quite contributing. The house is completely empty and reminds me just how big it actually is and how much I'm going to miss it, but things like holes in my yard and people working on the pool and stuff makes me realize I just might not miss it. So I'm going to head back to my mom's house, we're going to shower and clean up and change clothes, and we're going to meet Maury for dinner... there's a margarita with my name on it, somewhere. All the bills are paid, we have money in our pocket, and we are ready to hit the road. By atbout 6am we should be hopefully on our way out of town towards the public scales to get our "full" weight (already got empty weight) and then we're going to head north. After seeing my grandma in Cottonwood we are going to head to Flagstaff, hopefully get a bite to eat and give the truck a rest after towing a trailer up the mountain, and then cross over to Albuquerque where we'll stay with Ross and Rachael, who are kind enough to put us up. Oh! Did I tell you? Did I? Did I?! We bought a memory foam mattress topper from overstock.com and it should get to Oklahoma some time in the next few days. ROCK ON. Now maybe we won't "need" to buy a new mattress. Much cheaper. Okay. I'm dirty and salty and filthy, I have cleaning chemicals in paper cuts, I got a nosebleed the other day from the Tilex, and I have to shower and change. Mexican food. Yummers. See y'all in a few more days. Oh, audblog is down which is why you haven't seen one. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
Monday, September 06, 2004
This will be my last post, at least a text post, until we get settled and have internet. I'll audblog from the road. Thanks everyone for everything. See you in about a week. I won't be far away. Have a good week and don't let the fuckwits get you down. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
Sunday, September 05, 2004
Well. Another day, another... day. I'm trying to get as much blogging in as I can before we pack my computer up and shuffle it off to Buffalo. Or Oklahoma. You know what I mean. Some day soon we're going to be at the point where we just have to disassemble it and make sure it's packed up and ready for the trip. In the meantime, we are going room to room and door to door trying to make some semblance of order out of things that currently have no order. S. came upwith an idea that, although I balked at it originally, I think I'm going to have to go with. We're going to rent a storage unit. The storage unit on the apartment is quite small, which isn't a bad thing EXCEPT we have about four huge rubbermaid totes worth of camping equipment (not counting sleeping bags, tents, chairs, tables) AND I have two huge plastic tubs worth of Christmas stuff (yes, Virginia, the Pagan has Christmas decorations) and a huge Christmas tree. Don't be alarmed; I celebrate Christmas purely for the secular fun portions of it, and mix it in with our Yule traditions. No nativity scenes in my house, thanks. So anyways, we have a whole bunch of stuff that rightfully should go in a storage unit. So we're going to see if we can find a small one, 5 x 10 or something, somewhere near the apartment. That way, when we get a hankering to go camping we can run up the road with the truck and just take the stuff out of it. Or when it's time for trees and garland and colored balls and lights, we can run up the road and bring back only those things suitable for the season. We'd rent a garage in our complex, but they're $70 a month or something crazy. If we can get a storage unit for chizzeap, there's no reason why we should get a garage. Today we are going to Dim Sum lunch with some friends as a last sendoff... a two hour break in the middle of what should otherwise be a productive day. I'm only blogging because S. got hungry and went up the street to pick us up some breakfast. Just trying to get this all typed in before he gets back. So we're going to Dim Sum today, and if our favorite sushi chef is working tonight we are going to go up there and treat ourselves to our big going-away bash dinner. Just the two of us, but we're not going to hold back. We're going to get anything we want to eat since we won't be able to have fantabulous super-mega-mondo-beaucoup-bitchen-cool-wicked-awesome sushi like this once we get settled. At least not a often as we do now, until I get a job. Ugh. So I guess it's bye bye food day. Bye bye food. Day. That sounds pretty dumb. This whole moving thing must be catching up with me. Either that or the fact that I chopped my hair short yesterday (or had fabulous Wayne do it for me) made me like Sampson, and my ability to focus on things other than food were swept away with my flowing locks. I think the latter sounds more cool. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
Saturday, September 04, 2004
Let's see, where to begin? S. comes home today which is a blessing. I have gotten a LOT done around here (now where did I put that list?) but having another pair of hands is going to be the best thing. We should be back to the house by about 10am, at which time M and B are going to be here to take one of our beautiful wood armoires. We just can't take everything with us, so we've taken to giving it to friends who want or could use it. My neighbor is going to take my desk. A friend of S.'s got our green pillowback couch. M is taking the blonde wood armoire. Kerry is taking our oak pier wall. A little bit at a time we're trimming back. So S. is going to help M. move that armoire out of the house and get it in the back of a truck, and that'll be one less thing. Last night in a fit of anger and control freakishness, I chewed off my fingernails. That wouldn't be a particularly bad thing if I didn't have fake ones. Yes, world, I wear fake nails (tastefully of course) but I only do it because I am incapable of keeping my fingers looking manicured at all if I don't have them. The lady who does my nails, with whom I have an appointment TODAY, is going to laugh because I haven't looked like this much of a train wreck in years... but this is my last appointment with her. I also have my last haircut with my fabulous hair stylist today. Now. I'd like to take a moment and describe a bunch of asshat fuckwits who for some reason have not been wiped off the planet in a mysterious plague. My grandpa is still in the hospital. Why, that can't be right! Wasn't he supposed to be moved to a hospice? Yes, he was. Are you sitting down? Ready for this? The hospice had THREE staffers call in to work on Friday. Can you say four-day weekend? So the director of the hospice called the hospital to tell them that since they were so short-staffed, they couldn't accommodate another admission until Tuesday at the earliest. Four-day fucking weekend. When they called the hospital to let them know, they had already disconnected my grandfather from all of the machines that were assisting him with his life-force, except for oxygen. So they moved him into a private room, are doing the best they can to replicate the comfortable atmosphere of a hospice, and are not re-connecting him to the machines. My grandma, if they weren't there all night, will be there today with him and we all doubt he will see Monday. It will be a blessing when he goes, now, because he is suffering and he has never regained consciousness after the surgery. Oh - and if it sounds odd that my grandma was not there immediately at his side - the hospital is in Flagstaff and my grandma lives in Cottonwood... the two are about an hour and twenty minutes drive from one another in weekend traffic, especially four-day weekend traffic. Asshat fuckwit dipshit mother fuckers. I hope they get fired. Which they won't. Gah, I just tried to scratch an itch with the nubs that used to be my beautifully manicured nails, and I can't hardly scratch. Ugh. Hey, does anybody in Oklahoma City know a good manicurist? I am really going to need a recommendation. Also, my shoulder is still in a lot of pain. Even more pain now for some reason... I think I slept on it funny or something. Another good reason why S. is coming home, as he can now be the one to lift things. So, time for me to get into the kitchen and work some more in there... last night I went through all the pots and pans and cookery and decided what's going to OKC and what's going to U-Care, a charity that helps a wide variety of different groups. They come on the 9th to take everything we haven't given away or moved. So yeah. To the kitchen I go. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
Friday, September 03, 2004
I guess at some point, all of this stuff is supposed to get simpler. I've decided it's not supposed to, necessarily, get any EASIER but it is supposed to get simpler. As of last night, they hadn't moved my grandfather yet to the hospice. They will probably do that today. I'm unclear of how the treatment in the hospice works, but if they do not remove the fluids from his lungs then it will not be very long until he passes out of this world and into the next. At this point I don't want him to suffer, and I hope it will be a peaceful, quick passing. In the meantime I have found a charity that will come here on the 9th and take our old furniture away and things we don't want any more away, and that's a good thing. I've got the inside of the house about 75% done in terms of separating out "what goes" from "what goes with US" from "what goes AWAY." I feel like I've been doing this forever, but that's what I get for living in the same house for 6 years (and in houses, in general, for a long time). It's been years and years since I lived in an apartment. Like 8 years. Eep. As I sit here this morning, my dog has his head resting on my bare foot and my cat is making that "brrrrrrrrrp" noise that they make when they just want to let you know things are okay. I'm getting ready to dress and head out for my last day of work, after which I am going to go sign the closing paperwork for my house. Then, I will probably come on back home and just work some more. It is really starting to hit me that I am leaving behind some great friends here. I think I've gotten over the whole problem with my friend "K," mostly because I found out that everyone that's been dealing with her has had the same problem. She's turning into an arrogant, disrespectful, cunt of a woman and I'm glad I don't have that kind of pressure in my life right now. I can imagine she'd be standing over my shoulder gelling me what a clusterfuck this whole process is, while somehow out of the side of her ass trying to make it look like she's here for me and she just wants to help. I don't need that kind of bullshit, so I'm glad I don't have to deal with it. Besides, she's on some kind of trip out of town right now so that's probably even better. But I'm going to have a real problem leaving behind Maury. The last few years have really been formative in our friendship and we've grown a lot closer. We've known each other for what now seems like forever. And today is the last day I'm going to go to work and see him there, and this weekend is the last weekend I'm going to see him. I know S. feels strongly about it too, but it's going to feel like a part of me is missing. This kind of great life's adventure, you wish you could go through that with your best friend. I guess I'm going to have to show him through pictures, webcams, email and phone calls exactly what's going on in my life. That'll be hard. I also can't believe today is my last day of work. I'll be handing over the last of my projects today. I'll be packing the rest of my stuff down to the truck today. I'll be leaving my last mark on that office today. It's only been a year and a half but it's become a part of me. I think I have more pride about my work in this office than anything I've done to date in my career... and I'm leaving behind a bunch of great people. And the great ones, well, I'm leaving them behind to deal with the pudwhackers, annoyances and idiots. Fortunately, the great ones outnumber the pudwhackers. Heh. Pudwhackers. So in the meantime, S. sits in the apartment with no furniture, no telephone, no television, and no internet, and plays Unreal Tournament with himself and can't wait to come home. And, little by little... I can't wait to see my new home. I just wish going there didn't involve so much change. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
Thursday, September 02, 2004
Just got off the phone with my mother, who is on her way to northern Arizona to be with my grandmother. My grandpa's lungs keep filling up with fluid and they can't stop it. They've been drawing fluid off 3x a day for two days and it's not improving. So they are moving him to a hospice. So he can be more comfortable. When he dies. My mom said hospice... I said, "Wait, wait, you mean a hospice - like where they send someone to go when they're going to die, a hospice where you go to die?!" My mom said, "Is there any other kind of hospice?" I've been told to be ready to postpone my departure to Oklahoma by a day or two, as I will be attending a funeral some time soon. The last 18 months has been full of so much change, most people don't see this much change in 5 years. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
Aw, man. I horked my shoulder something fierce. Boo to horking the shoulder in the middle of a move. Yay to still having some left over Naproxen from the last time I did it. Last night was significantly more productive than I thought it was going to be, and I came out of it a better person. Isn't that the reason we do everything that's difficult and not fun? If so, does that mean that people who are sucky people, don't do anything that's difficult or not fun? Things that make you go, "hmmm." I need coffee. Have I mentioned that I need coffee? So last night, I went through the "junk" drawers in the kitchen. C'mon, don't play dumb. Everybody has 'em. Whether you have a small apartment or a large house, you have at least one drawer in your kitchen cabinetry that is the catch-all, the drawer that ends up with one of everything at one time or another. Well, we had two of those. Had. PAST TENSE! Woo hoo! I cleaned them out except for the things I specifically want the movers to take with us when we go. That was quite a chore, let me tell you. I also shredded another 30-gallon trash bag full of things that needed to be - well - shredded. Among those were photographs from my first wedding. I kept pictures of me with my dad and me with my grandfather, although I'm in a wedding dress in 'em. Oh well. They needed to be disposed of. That's a part of my life I don't ever want to revisit. So, yay me again. I'm getting closer and closer to feeling like I'm "done." S. is going to have quite a job on his hands though, in our garage. I guess I'm going to have to roll up my sleeves and get in there with him this weekend, and although I'm not particularly looking forward to it I can tell you that if it brings me one day closer to being DONE with this MOVING bullshit, I'll do it. Bring it on. I'm so tired of it already. I have laundry everywhere (again) and my kitchen is a disaster (again) and even this office room is pretty much a pig-sty, mainly because I have cocooned myself in here with one-of-everything-I-need-to-survive and it has served as my safe haven. Can't happen for much longer, as I'm going to have to start dismantling shit in here too. God, I can't believe it. In one week we'll be cleaning the house and getting ready to spend our last night in Phoenix. Yeah, like THAT doesn't make me want to chew my fingernails down to the nubs. I wish I had something particularly entertaining to discuss today, but I really don't. Work is winding down, nothing good's on TV, house still has a lot that needs done, blah de blah de blah. I haven't even seen any good memes lately. Yes, yes, that makes me definitely and absolutely... boring. Not as bored as S., who still hasn't sent me new pictures of the apartment because he couldn't find a computer that could handle it. Hopefully that's going to happen today. S. is in the apartment with an inflatable camping mattress and some sheets and a pillow, his computer, and a clock radio. I guess it could be worse. Oh, here's a question. If I tried out that Audioblogger thing and gave y'all some udpates from the road... well, can I get your opinions on that? Would ya listen? -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
Wednesday, September 01, 2004
Flipping channels last night, trying to avoid the namby pamby compassionate conservative this party is everyone's party republicans are great and we've never been better off bullshit, I flipped to NBC at 8pm to catch Last Comic Standing and got to see the last few comments of the night from the news anchors. Tim Russert and Tom Brokaw were discussing the very over-optimistic cheerleader vibe in all of the speeches at the Convention - and see, that's fine, that's what a Convention is for. However, he DID say something very similar to this (I can't find the exact quote): The mood here has been rather positive, but we're obligated to let you know that although the speeches tonight claim that the world is a better place than it had been, and that we are safer, stronger, and better off than we have been as a nation, the world is in fact currently a very dangerous place, and the position of the nation isn't what it used to be. I wish I had the quote so I could be exact and distinct about what he said. The overall vibe was, we aren't better off. You hear that? We are NOT BETTER OFF. Kerry/Edwards 2004, people. For you, for your kids, for this country's men and women in uniform... Kerry/Edwards 2004. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
Okay. So. Last night was interesting. I got home and spent part of the evening eating creamed spinach and green beans from Boston Market, some of the first green veggies I've had in over a week. Then, I worked in my kitchen a little bit and packed up all our old snap-n-seal, Rubbermaid, et. al., in a HYOOJ box for charity. I could do this, you see, because my husband bought me a present in OKC. He got me a Rubbermaid 48-pc set because I lurrrves me some Rubbermaid. It'll be nice to start in the new kitchen with fresh and clean new stuff. Then, I evaluated the pots-and-pans drawer and tried to figure out which of my T-Fal collection was worthy of making the trip and which is not. I could do this, you see, because my husband bought me ANOTHER present in OKC. He got me a 10-piece KitchenAid anodized aluminum cookware set which, although it isn't my dream of the 14-piece Calphalon which runs about $350, was a STEAL for what he paid, and will do me just fine. So, to recap, my hubby is setting me up to be a Domestic Goddess instead of a Lady of Leisure. I can't freakin' wait, actually... Then, I had a glass of wine, watched the first half of Last Comic Standing, and chatted with Shanna about a lot and not much. Then, I chatted some with the hubby, and I chatted some with this guy Mikey about Arizona and San Diego and Oklahoma and the joys and perils of each, and he told me that Goldie is back after a hiatus so I had to make sure I popped over there to get the scoop. And then just as I was getting ready to wander off to bed, Lux hopped onto AIM and we jabbered for about 5 minutes. I just had to try to get some sleep. So I did. I let the dog sleep with me last night on the bed, and he was very appreciative. I don't think he moved all night, except to try to push even closer to me than he already was, causing me to get a crik in my neck. Lovely. I'm creeping ever closer to my last day of work on Friday, and I'm feeling pretty good about where everything is. I have a couple more little meetings to make sure everything is rounded up. On Friday afternoon, I go sign the paperwork to close on my house. That's going to be interesting, we'll have to see if/when I get my fundage. S. walked our new apartment and signed the lease yesterday, and hung out over there snapping so many pictures that his shitty Juno dialup service that he gets while traveling won't send them to me. He's going to try to find a 'puter that'll let him use his little USB drive and send 'em to me today, and I'm really looking forward to that. I usually have caniption fits when I have to write a $1,600 check for something, but yesterday I was pleased to know that S. paid those folks a lot of our money. It's so strange; I almost feel like I am going to go on vacation to OKC. It's like, yay, can't wait to see that place, and then it hits me... I'll do nothing but see THAT PLACE for a few years. And that's when the sad kicks in. I didn't hear about any real changes in my grandpa last night. Yesterday they took him off the respirator again... did I say that they took him off the ventilator on Monday and they had to resucitate him? Yeah. So they tried again yesterday. I guess he's trying to wake up. He's on some serious force-fed oxygen but they've taken him off the ventilator (I am unclear as to whether or not the breathing tube has been removed). He's showing periodic, small signs of consciousness but they still aren't giving him very good odds. I'm starting to feel numb about that. Well, I'd better haul my happy ass off to work. Don't y'all work too hard. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
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