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Welcome to my wonderful, terrible, soap opera sit-com world.
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Y'all have to go over HERE and read our deep, meaningful, intellectual discussion of tonight's Birmingham, Alabama American Idol contestants. Not for the weak of heart. GO HERE, YOU KNOW YOU WANT TO DO IT. DO IT. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
I'm tired of crying. Please make it stop. Thank you in advance, Rose PS: at your earliest convenience. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
Sunday, January 28, 2007
Anybody out there with divination tools want to give 'em a little workout? I could use a short card reading, or a rune pulled, or anything like that, if anybody's feeling up to it. Feel free to buzz me on Yahoo as sablerose70 (no spaces) or even on MSN using the e-mail address in my sidebar as the MSN name. Thank you so much! My cards are laughing at me, as par usual, they don't like to talk to me about - well - me. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
![]() ![]() ![]() Or at least I kind of feel bald. Saturday I went to a local salon with my niece and got my hair chopped. All in all I lost about a foot of hair, and the longest portion was sent to Locks Of Love as a donation. This is my new haircut. I'm adjusting. (For those of you that might not have known... my hair was past my waist, it was down to my butt. So this is a huge adjustment!) -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
Friday, January 26, 2007
He left at 5am on Wednesday. I'm doing surprisingly okay. I'm just not quite ready to write about it yet.In other news, another of my resume clients just got a fantastic new job. I rock. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Friday night we were told S. wasn't being deployed.Sunday that was confirmed. Today at 8:30am, they re-confirmed that as of 0-dark-thirty tomorrow, he is on a plane and going TDY for three months. I'm a little ticked off, and very sad. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
Monday, January 22, 2007
Okay. So.Here's the plan. 1) Move my hair back to espresso brown (#40) from chocolate cherry (#36). I love chocolate cherry #36, but the whole "get in the direct sunlight and shine a beacon of wine-colored burgundy red-haired goodness" thing was starting to get to me a little, especially after a friend of mine who is not my mother, made the same comment as my mother. Which would be, that perhaps I could go with a little more natural hair color. (damnit). 2) Get together with my lovely 16 year old 'niece,' the daughter of one of my oldest and dearest and bestest friends, who now lives here... and go have a haircut. She has saved enough money from her first job that she wants to get a cut-and-color... so I decided I would cut 10 inches off my very, very, very long hair, and donate it to Locks Of Love. 3) Maybe, if there was money in the budget, get some nice auburn or caramel brown highlights over my (supposed to be) dark brown espresso hair. ![]() ![]() ![]() Damn you, Feria. The very thing that makes me love you, makes me ticked off at you. I will never be able to duplicate this when my roots start growing in! -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
Sunday, January 21, 2007
My mom. What am I ever going to do about, with, or for my mom? We got a phone call at 8:30 pm on Friday night saying that S. has been taken off this deployment, for some really odd reasons none of which have anything to do with anything he did. Turns out they ran out of seats on the jet or something, so they are postponing him. Well. My mother bought an airline ticket to come out and visit me over my birthday weekend, specifically because S. was going to be gone. You see, they had a little friction when she was here over Thanksgiving, and so I think this was her way of sticking it to my man. Honestly. So I phoned her. "Hey," I said, "I'm just calling you to keep you in the loop -- we just got off the phone with the base and it seems that S. isn't going to be leaving on Wednesday like they had said earlier. I mean, it's all up in the air and could change another nine times before then, but as of right now his deployment has been postponed! So, he's going to be able to be here for my birthday AND Valentine's day!" "Huh," she said. "Yeah, so I just wanted to tell you, and let you know. "Uh-huh," she said. "I mean, I thought I should let you in the loop because I know part of your motivation for coming out here was so I wouldn't be alone on my birthday." "Huh," she said. "I'm really excited that he's going to be able to celebrate with us, though. It's really great that he'll be here," I said. "Well," she said, "I guess we'll just have to find a way to have fun with three people, instead of with just us two." Then she fed me some line of bullshit about asking where he was gonna be going if/when he gets back on the rotation, and blah de blah blah. But not before she said, "It's not like I can change my ticket or anything now, you know." Fuck you, mom. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
Friday, January 19, 2007
PLEASE WRITE TO THIS COMPANY AT THE E-MAIL ADDRESS LISTED BELOW, AND TELL THEM HOW FULL OF CRAP THEY ARE.thank you. ALSO PLEASE POST THIS AND SPREAD IT IN THE BLOGOSPHERE. http://www.snopes.com/politics/war/apo.asp APO'd Claim: A U.S. Army soldier received a rude response from an on-line retailer after inquiring about shipments to APO addresses. Example: [Collected via e-mail, 2007] Below is an email exchange between a friend of mine's husband and a company that sells different types of mats. He is stationed in Iraq and was inquiring as to whether or not the company ships overseas. He wanted to get the troops better gear to sleep on. This is the companies response. I am floored. I am floored as a military wife and as an American. Please repost this so that this company will hear us loud and clear that we do not stand for this. Whatever your view is on this war - these troops are just following orders. Most are passionate about what they are doing. You can disagree with the war without disrespecting our troops. From: SGT Jason Hess Origins: APO (Army Post Office or Air [Force] Post Office) and FPO (Fleet Post Office) addresses are part of a military mail system used for exchanging mail with U.S. personnel stationed outside the United States, generally at the same domestic rates charged for sending mail within the U.S. Military personnel, their families, and others who have had occasion to order merchandise for shipment to troops stationed overseas have generally learned to first check with the vendors to ensure that they will indeed send product to APO/FPO addresses. Because shipments sent to APO/FPO addresses require extra processing (e.g., they must be sent via USPS, mailed from a post office, and accompanied by customs forms) and involve additional mailing restrictions, not all businesses are willing to accept orders intended for APO/FPO destinations. The e-mail exchange reproduced above took place in January 2007 between a U.S. Army soldier serving with the U.S. 1st Cavalry Division in Iraq and online retailer Bargain Suppliers Discount Floor Mats of West Allis, Wisconsin, with the former inquiring about whether the latter would ship floor mats to APO addresses. Not only did the retailer reportedly respond in the negative, but they couched their turn-down as the rude statement that "We do not ship to APO addresses, and even if we did, we would NEVER ship to Iraq. If you were sensible, you and your troops would pull out of Iraq." Discount Mats didn't respond to our inquiry, but Sgt. Hess wrote back to us and confirmed that the correspondence was real:
Last updated: 18 January 2007 The URL for this page is http://www.snopes.com/politics/war/apo.asp -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
It's like having an intervention! So here we go: Meme A- Available or single? Um, married. So... neither? B- Best Friend? Shanna and Maury. C- Cake or Pie? Cake. Which is really hilarious if you've been here to hear the "pie" jokes, which you haven't, but maybe I have to blog about that now too. D- Drink of Choice? Non-alcoholic: diet Pepsi. Alcoholic: wine. E- Essential Item? My computer, without which I would be cut off from civilization. F- Favorite Color? Red. G- Gummi Bears or Worms? I haven't had candy like this in years. Bears? The white ones. H- Hometown? Where I was born: Anchorage, AK. Where I live now: Tinker AFB, OK. I- Indulgence? Dark chocolate. J- January or February? My birthday is in February, which makes it a fabbo month. K- Kids and names? No kids yet, starting to wonder if there ever will be. L- Life is incomplete without? Love. M- Marriage Date? 10/31/03 and 1/9/04. Yes, two. Yes, to the same guy. N- Number of Siblings? One. O- Oranges or apples? Ooh, oranges. P- Phobias/Fears? Needles. Q- Favorite Quote? "The Mississippi's mighty, but it starts in Minnesota at a place that you can walk across with five steps down." R- Reason to Smile? My hubby. S- Season? Spring. When the world is in love! T- Tag three people! Shanna, Stacy and Betty. U- Unknown Fact About Me? I am CONSTANTLY mistaken for 10 years younger than I am. V- Vegetable you hate? Acorn squash. yuck. W- Worst habit? I'm a nailbiter, which is why I have to have 'em done all the time. X- X-Rays you’ve had? Full skull, X-rays for teeth at the dentist, and a lung X-ray. Y- Your favorite food? Sushi. Z- Zodiac? Aquarius, baby! ---------------- A side note: We had an ice storm here. Well, a sleet storm. Except then the sun came out just long enough to bake everything in time to make it hard so it could re-freeze. Three inches of ice EVERYWHERE here. I haven't left my house since Friday except to walk the dog and fall on my ass. And we're gonna get 5" of snow on Saturday now they're saying. Joy! -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Hi, all.Let me just give you a few tidbits. I haven't been much in the blogging mood lately, but I know you'll understand why. 1) I got sick. Again. So this time it's been a snotty head cold, and I have had it on and off for about two weeks. No chest cold, just hacks and snorts every morning until about mid-day. This is keeping me from a wide variety of stress-relieving activities like singing, and it's pissing me off. 2) I got a new toy! After Christmas, a friend of mine was selling his Nikon D50 digital SLR with some extras like lens, memory card, etc., and I picked it up for a steal. A STEAL. This is a pretty huge upgrade from my Olympus C-2100 UZ and I hope to get to learn how to use it and get pretty good at it over the next few months because... 3) S. is being deployed again. It seems like I just got him home! He came home in August, and he's being sent back out. Three months this time, for sure. He leaves on 1/24. So, we've been going through that dance that military couples do when there's a TDY looming on the horizon. We've been holding up surprisingly well. I'm hanging in there, doing okay, and seem to be holding it together all right under the circumstances. I know where he's going to be, and it's not the worst situation ever. He's been there before. There's some turmoil there since the last time he was there, some political upheaval and the like, but I'm sure he's going to be all right. He's going to miss my birthday again, but that's the price we pay, right? At least we had a nice dinner out last night for our (legal) wedding anniversary. Went and took my 'niece' Sarah out for sushi dinner to celebrate her pulling up one of her grades in high school, and combined it with our anniversary dinner. It was a lot of fun and I always like seeing Daryl (her dad). I have a wide variety of "plans" (I don't like to call them resolutions) for myself that I'll be undertaking while S. is gone on his TDY. He'll be gone until April, which gives me some time to get myself, this household, etc., into shape. Seems like since the holiday stress started looming back in October (regarding my mother's Thanksgiving visit) things just haven't been quite ... "right" ... around here. So, I have grand plans. And among those plans is more blogging. I need to keep in touch with this thing more. Perhaps this will be the year I break down and move my blog to its own domain, in the hopes that I will actually write more in it. Who knows? Just know that every time I look over here and see comments from you guys or hits from you guys (holy crap, my sitemeter says we broke 100,000 hits, wtf) I get excited and reminded that even though sometimes I feel alone, I'm not alone. And to those of you who IM me or e-mail me or keep in touch with me that way and put up with my quiet-ness and lack of writing but still dig me, you know, thank you. So anyways. Here's to more blogging. Right? Right? -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
Ooooooooooooooooooooooogh.I'm over my hang over. I got right hung out to dry. How are all of you? -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
My job as a military wife is to make it as easy as possible for my beloved husband to do his job. Where he leads, I will follow. ![]() Name: Rose Age: 36 Religion: Pagan Husband: SSgt, USAF Current Location: Tinker AFB, OK Job: Self-Employed Transcriptionist and Domestic Goddess I am currently pimping: Kasora Teas. me @ consumating ![]() I play Everquest II! Thornwyn Tamarisk Iksar Necromancer, Kithicor We're trying for a baby! Pagan Military Wives Webring ![]() ![]() ![]() e-mail me Yahoo! Messenger AOL Messenger MSN Messenger: sablerose70 at hotmail dot com ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Pagan Military Wives More Military Wives Witchy Women Fablogulous Thanks for the LinkyLove Blogroll Me! ![]() January 2003 February 2003 March 2003 April 2003 May 2003 June 2003 July 2003 August 2003 September 2003 October 2003 November 2003 December 2003 January 2004 February 2004 March 2004 April 2004 May 2004 June 2004 July 2004 August 2004 September 2004 October 2004 November 2004 December 2004 January 2005 February 2005 March 2005 April 2005 May 2005 June 2005 July 2005 August 2005 September 2005 October 2005 November 2005 December 2005 January 2006 February 2006 March 2006 April 2006 May 2006 June 2006 July 2006 August 2006 September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 October 2007 December 2007 January 2008 March 2008 May 2008 Googly Moogly Home ![]()
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